Source code for

Input and output from netCDF-SCM's netCDF format
import os.path
import warnings

import xarray as xr

from .definitions import (
from .iris_cube_wrappers import (

    import iris
except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover # emergency valve
    from .errors import raise_no_iris_warning


    "Scm": ScmCube,
    "MarbleCMIP5": MarbleCMIP5Cube,
    "CMIP6Input4MIPs": CMIP6Input4MIPsCube,
    "CMIP6Output": CMIP6OutputCube,

[docs]def save_netcdf_scm_nc(cubes, out_path): """ Save a series of cubes to a `.nc` file Parameters ---------- cubes : dict Dictionary of "region name"-:obj:`ScmCube` key-value pairs. The cubes will all be saved in the same ``.nc`` file. out_path : str Path in which to save the data """ save_cubes = [] for scm_cube in cubes.values(): cube = scm_cube.cube save_cubes.append(cube), out_path, local_keys=_SCM_TIMESERIES_META_COLUMNS)
[docs]def load_scmrun(path): """ Load an :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` instance from a netCDF-SCM ``.nc`` file Parameters ---------- path : str Path from which to load the data Returns ------- :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` containing the data in ``path``. """ helper, scm_cubes = _load_helper_and_scm_cubes(path) scmdf = helper.convert_scm_timeseries_cubes_to_openscmdata(scm_cubes) return scmdf
def _load_helper_and_scm_cubes(path): scm_cubes = {} data = xr.open_dataset(path) data.load() # get everything in memory # Must be kept until # is solved if data["time"].encoding["units"] == "days since 1-01-01 00:00:00": data["time"].encoding["units"] = "days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00" for _, darray in data.data_vars.items(): try: region = darray.attrs["region"] except KeyError: # bnds or some other unclassified variable continue scm_cubes[region] = ScmCube() scm_cubes[region].cube = darray.to_iris() scm_cubes[region].cube.attributes = { **scm_cubes[region].cube.attributes, **data.attrs, } # take any cube as base for now, not sure how to really handle this so will # leave like this for now and only make this method public when I work it # out... loaded = list(scm_cubes.values())[0] return loaded, scm_cubes
[docs]def get_scmcube_helper(drs): """ Get ScmCube helper for a given data reference syntax Paramters --------- drs : str Data reference syntax to get the helper cube for Returns ------- :obj:`netcdf_scm.iris_cube_wrappers.ScmCube` Instance of sub-class of :obj:`netcdf_scm.iris_cube_wrappers.ScmCube` which matches the input data reference syntax Raises ------ NotImplementedError ``drs`` is equal to ``"None"`` KeyError ``drs`` is unrecognised """ if drs == "None": raise NotImplementedError( "`drs` == 'None' is not supported yet. Please raise an issue at " " with your use case if you need this " "feature." ) try: return _ALL_AVAILABLE_CUBES[drs]() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Unrecognised drs: {}".format(drs))
[docs]def load_mag_file(infile, drs): """ Load ``.MAG`` file with automatic infilling of metadata if possible Parameters ---------- infile : str File to load (use the full path for best results as this is used to determine the metadata) drs : str Data reference syntax to use with this file Returns ------- :obj:`` :obj:`` with the data and metadata contained in the file. Warns ----- UserWarning Some or all of the metadata couldn't be determined from ``infile`` with the given ``drs``. """ out ="todo", inplace=False) helper = get_scmcube_helper(drs) path_worked = False name_worked = False try: path_bits = helper.process_path(os.path.dirname(infile)) path_worked = True except ValueError as e: warnings.warn( "Couldn't determine cube metadata from path with the drs '{}'.\n" "Error: '{}'".format(drs, e) ) fname_to_check = os.path.basename(infile).replace( "{}{}".format(OUTPUT_PREFIX, NAME_COMPONENTS_SEPARATOR), "" ) try: name_bits = helper.process_filename(fname_to_check) name_worked = True except ValueError as e: warnings.warn( "Couldn't determine cube metadata from filename either with " "the drs '{}'.\nError: '{}'".format(drs, e) ) if path_worked: for scm_name, cmip_name in helper._scm_timeseries_id_map.items(): try: out[scm_name] = path_bits["{}".format(cmip_name)] except KeyError: out[scm_name] = getattr(helper, cmip_name) elif name_worked: for scm_name, cmip_name in helper._scm_timeseries_id_map.items(): try: out[scm_name] = name_bits["{}".format(cmip_name)] except KeyError: warnings.warn( "Can't set metadata for '{}' from filename alone with the " "drs '{}'.".format(scm_name, drs) ) return out