Source code for netcdf_scm.normalisation.after_branch_time_mean

Module for the normaliser which calculates anomalies from a mean of a fixed number of years in the pre-industrial control run

import logging

import pandas as pd

from .base import Normaliser

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AfterBranchTimeMean(Normaliser): """ Normaliser which calculates anomalies from a mean of a fixed number of years after the branch time in the pre-industrial control run At present, only a 31-year mean after the branch time is implemented. """ def __init__(self): self._method_name = "31-yr-mean-after-branch-time" @staticmethod def _get_reference_values(indata, picontrol, picontrol_branching_time): branch_year = picontrol_branching_time.year normalise_series = picontrol.filter(year=range(branch_year, branch_year + 31)) if ( normalise_series["time"].max().year - normalise_series["time"].min().year ) != 30: error_msg = ( "Only `{:04d}{:02d}` to `{:04d}{:02d}` is available after the " "branching time `{:04d}{:02d}` in {} data in {}".format( normalise_series["time"].min().year, normalise_series["time"].min().month, normalise_series["time"].max().year, normalise_series["time"].max().month, picontrol_branching_time.year, picontrol_branching_time.month, picontrol.metadata["experiment_id"], picontrol.metadata["netcdf-scm crunched file"], ) ) raise ValueError(error_msg) normalise_mean = normalise_series.timeseries().mean(axis=1) # normalisation is uniform for all timepoints normalise_df = pd.concat([normalise_mean] * indata["time"].shape[0], axis=1) normalise_df.columns = indata["time"] return normalise_df