Source code for netcdf_scm.normalisation.base

Base class for normalisation operations
import copy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from scmdata import ScmRun

[docs]class Normaliser(ABC): """ Base class for normalising operations """ @property def method_name(self): """ str: Name of the method used for normalisation This string is included in the metadata of normalised data/files. """ return self._method_name @staticmethod def _take_anomaly_from(inscmdf, ref_df): in_ts = inscmdf.timeseries() anomalies = in_ts - ref_df if anomalies.isnull().any().any(): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("`inscmdf` and `ref_df` don't have the same index") anomalies = ScmRun(anomalies) return anomalies @staticmethod def _raise_branching_time_unavailable_error(branch_time, parent): error_msg = "Branching time `{:04d}{:02d}` not available in {} data in {}".format( branch_time.year, branch_time.month, parent.metadata["experiment_id"], parent.metadata["netcdf-scm crunched file"], ) raise ValueError(error_msg)
[docs] def get_reference_values(self, indata, picontrol, picontrol_branching_time): """ Get reference values for an experiment from its equivalent piControl experiment Parameters ---------- indata : :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Experiment to calculate reference values for picontrol : :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Pre-industrial control run data picontrol_branching_time : :obj:`datetime.datetime` The branching time in the pre-industrial experiment. It is assumed that the first timepoint in ``input`` follows immediately from this branching time. Returns ------- :obj:`pd.DataFrame` Reference values with the same index and columns as ``indata`` Raises ------ ValueError The branching time data is not in ``picontrol`` data NotImplementedError The normalisation method is not recognised """ if picontrol_branching_time.year not in picontrol["year"].unique().tolist(): self._raise_branching_time_unavailable_error( picontrol_branching_time, picontrol ) raw = self._get_reference_values(indata, picontrol, picontrol_branching_time) idx_cols = indata.meta.columns cols_to_unify = [ c for c in idx_cols if c not in ["climate_model", "region", "variable", "unit"] ] out = raw.reset_index(cols_to_unify) for unify_col in cols_to_unify: out[unify_col] = indata.get_unique_meta(unify_col, no_duplicates=True) out = out.set_index(cols_to_unify, append=True) out = out.reorder_levels(idx_cols) return out
@abstractmethod def _get_reference_values(self, indata, picontrol, picontrol_branching_time): """ Calculate reference values from pre-industrial control run data """
[docs] def normalise_against_picontrol(self, indata, picontrol, picontrol_branching_time): """ Normalise data against picontrol Parameters ---------- indata : :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Data to normalise picontrol : :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Pre-industrial control run data picontrol_branching_time : :obj:`datetime.datetime` The branching time in the pre-industrial experiment. It is assumed that the first timepoint in ``input`` follows immediately from this branching time. Returns ------- :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Normalised data including metadata about the file which was used for normalisation and the normalisation method Raises ------ NotImplementedError Normalisation is being done against a timeseries other than piControl ValueError The branching time data is not in ``picontrol`` data NotImplementedError The normalisation method is not recognised """ norm_method_key = "normalisation method" if not picontrol.metadata["experiment_id"].endswith( # pragma: no cover "piControl" ): # emergency valve, can't think of how this path should work raise NotImplementedError( "If you would like to normalise against an experiment other than " "piControl, please raise an issue at " "" ) reference_values = self.get_reference_values( indata, picontrol, picontrol_branching_time ) out = self._take_anomaly_from(indata, reference_values) metadata = copy.deepcopy(indata.metadata) if not any(["(child)" in k for k in metadata]): metadata = {"(child) {}".format(k): v for k, v in metadata.items()} metadata = { **metadata, **{ "(normalisation) {}".format(k): v for k, v in picontrol.metadata.items() }, } metadata[norm_method_key] = self.method_name out.metadata = metadata return out