Source code for netcdf_scm.stitching

Module for stitching netCDF-SCM netCDF files together

'Stitching' here means combining results from multiple experiments e.g.
combining historical and scenario experiments. This relies on the 'parent'
conventions within CMIP experiments which define the experiment from which
a given set of output started (in CMIP language, the experiment from which
a given experiment 'branched').
import copy
import datetime as dt
import glob
import logging
import os.path
import re
import warnings

import click
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scmdata import ScmRun, run_append

from .cli_parallel import _apply_func
from .cli_utils import (
from .io import load_scmrun
from .normalisation import get_normaliser
from .utils import _ensure_is_int

    import netCDF4
except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover # emergency valve
    from .errors import raise_no_iris_warning


logger_stitching = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _stitch_netcdf_scm_ncs(  # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
    regexp_compiled = re.compile(regexp)
    if target_units_specs is not None:
        target_units_specs = pd.read_csv(target_units_specs)

    crunch_list, failures_dir_finding = _find_dirs_meeting_func(
        src, regexp_compiled.match

    failures_wrangling = _apply_func(
        [{"fnames": f, "dpath": d} for d, f in crunch_list],
            "dst": dst,
            "force": force,
            "out_format": out_format,
            "target_units_specs": target_units_specs,
            "stitch_contact": stitch_contact,
            "drs": drs,
            "prefix": prefix,
            "normalise": normalise,

    if failures_dir_finding or failures_wrangling:
        raise click.ClickException(
            "Some files failed to process. See the logs for more details"

def _stitch_magicc_files(  # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
):"Attempting to process: %s", fnames)
    openscmrun, metadata, header = _get_stitched_openscmdf_metadata_header(
        fnames, dpath, target_units_specs, stitch_contact, drs, normalise

    outfile_dir = _get_outfile_dir(dpath, drs, dst)


def _get_stitched_openscmdf_metadata_header(  # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
    fnames, dpath, target_units_specs, stitch_contact, drs, normalise
    if len(fnames) > 1:
        raise AssertionError(
            "more than one file to wrangle?"
        )  # pragma: no cover # emergency valve

    fullpath = os.path.join(dpath, fnames[0])
    ) = get_continuous_timeseries_with_meta(
        fullpath, drs, return_picontrol_info=normalise is not None, log_warning=True

    if normalise is not None:
        openscmrun = _normalise_timeseries_against_picontrol(
            openscmrun, picontrol_branching_time, picontrol_file, drs, normalise

    if target_units_specs is not None:
        openscmrun = _convert_units(openscmrun, target_units_specs)

    metadata = openscmrun.metadata
        header = _get_openscmdf_header(
            stitch_contact, metadata["(child) crunch_netcdf_scm_version"]
    except KeyError:  # pragma: no cover # for future
        if normalise is not None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise AssertionError("Normalisation metadata should be included...")

        if "piControl" not in metadata["parent_experiment_id"]:  # pragma: no cover
            raise AssertionError("Stitching should have occured no?")
            "No normalisation is being done and the parent of %s is %s for infile: %s",
            os.path.join(dpath, fnames[0]),

        header = _get_openscmdf_header(
            stitch_contact, metadata["crunch_netcdf_scm_version"]

    return openscmrun, metadata, header

[docs]def get_continuous_timeseries_with_meta( infile, drs, return_picontrol_info=True, log_warning=False ): """ Load a continuous timeseries with metadata Continuous here means including all parent experiments up to (but not including) piControl Parameters ---------- infile : str netCDF-SCM crunched file to load drs : str Data reference syntax which applies to this file return_picontrol_info : bool If supplied, piControl information will be returned in the second and third outputs if available (rather than ``None``). A caveat is that if the experiment itself is a piControl experiment, ``None`` will be returned in the second and third outputs. log_warning : bool Should warnings be logged? If ``False``, warnings are raised with ``warnings.warn`` instead. Returns ------- :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Loaded timseries, including metadata :obj:`dt.datetime` Branch time from piControl. If ``infile`` points to a piControl or piControl-spinup experiment then this will be ``None``. str Path from which the piControl data was loaded. If ``infile`` points to a piControl or piControl-spinup experiment then this will be ``None``. """ loaded = _load_scmrun_and_add_source_file(infile, drs) parent_replacements = get_parent_replacements(loaded) if not parent_replacements: # pragma: no cover # emergency valve return loaded pexp_id = parent_replacements["parent_experiment_id"] if pexp_id.endswith("piControl"): # don't need to look any further if not return_picontrol_info: return loaded, None, None picontrol_file = get_parent_file_path( infile, parent_replacements, drs, log_warning=log_warning ) picontrol_branching_time = get_branch_time( loaded, parent=True, parent_path=picontrol_file ) return loaded, picontrol_branching_time, picontrol_file if pexp_id.endswith("piControl-spinup") or (pexp_id == "N/A"): # hard-code return at piControl-spinup for now, we don't care about spinup return loaded, None, None parent_file_path = get_parent_file_path( infile, parent_replacements, drs, log_warning=log_warning ) ( parent, picontrol_branching_time, picontrol_file, ) = get_continuous_timeseries_with_meta( parent_file_path, drs, return_picontrol_info, log_warning ) return ( _do_stitching(loaded, parent, infile, log_warning), picontrol_branching_time, picontrol_file, )
def _load_scmrun_and_add_source_file(infile, drs): loaded = load_scmrun(infile) loaded.metadata["netcdf-scm crunched file"] = infile.replace( os.path.join("{}/".format((_get_path_bits(infile, drs)["root_dir"]))), "" ) return loaded
[docs]def get_parent_replacements(scmdf): """ Get changes in metadata required to identify a dataset's parent file Parameters ---------- scmdf : :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Dataset of which to identify the parent file Returns ------- dict of str : str Replacements which must be made to the dataset's metadata in order to identify its parent file Raises ------ KeyError The variant label (e.g. r1i1p1f1) of the parent dataset is missing """ if scmdf.get_unique_meta("mip_era", no_duplicates=True) == "CMIP5": parent_keys = [ "parent_experiment", "parent_experiment_id", "parent_experiment_rip", ] replacements = {k: v for k, v in scmdf.metadata.items() if k in parent_keys} try: replacements["parent_ensemble_member"] = replacements.pop( "parent_experiment_rip" ) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No `parent_experiment_rip` in metadata") else: parent_keys = [ "parent_activity_id", "parent_experiment_id", "parent_mip_era", "parent_source_id", "parent_variant_label", ] replacements = { k: v.replace(" ", "") for k, v in scmdf.metadata.items() if k in parent_keys } # change in language since we first wrote netcdf-scm, this is why using # ESMValTool instead would be helpful, we would have extra helpers to # know when this sort of stuff changes... try: replacements["parent_member_id"] = replacements.pop("parent_variant_label") except KeyError: raise KeyError("No `parent_variant_label` in metadata") return replacements
[docs]def get_parent_file_path(infile, parent_replacements, drs, log_warning=False): """ Get parent file path for a given file If multiple versions are available the latest version is chosen. Parameters ---------- infile : str File path of which to get the parent parent_replacements : dict of str : str Replacements to insert in ``infile`` to determine the parent filepath drs : str Data reference syntax which is applicable to these filepaths log_warning : bool Should a warning be logged? If no, the warning is raised using ``warnings.warn``. Returns ------- str Path of the parent file Raises ------ IOError Parent data cannot be found AssertionError Parent files vary by more than just version """ # TODO: write a more user friendly function that just takes infile as an # argument and has its paths and failures tested more completely parent_file_path_base = _get_parent_path_base(infile, parent_replacements, drs) parent_file_path = glob.glob(parent_file_path_base) different_institute = False if np.equal(len(parent_file_path), 0): # try with a wildcard for parent institute ID parent_replacements["parent_institution_id"] = "*" parent_file_path_base_wild_institute = _get_parent_path_base( infile, parent_replacements, drs ) parent_file_path = glob.glob(parent_file_path_base_wild_institute) if np.equal(len(parent_file_path), 0): raise IOError( "No parent data ({}) available for {}, we looked in {} and {}".format( parent_replacements["parent_experiment_id"], infile, parent_file_path_base, parent_file_path_base_wild_institute, ) ) else: different_institute = True if len(parent_file_path) > 1: logger_stitching.debug("More than one parent for {} found".format(infile)) bits = [_get_path_bits(p, drs) for p in parent_file_path] # Check that only vary by version for _, b in enumerate(bits[1:]): differing_keys = {k for k, _ in b.items() ^ bits[0].items()} if differing_keys != {"version"}: raise AssertionError( # pragma: no cover # emergency valve "Multiple parent file paths vary by more than just version", ) max_version_idx = np.argmax([b["version"] for b in bits]) logger_stitching.debug( "Selected {} as parent for {}".format( parent_file_path[max_version_idx], infile ) ) out = parent_file_path[max_version_idx] else: out = parent_file_path[0] if different_institute: path_bits_child = _get_path_bits(infile, drs) path_bits_parent = _get_path_bits(out, drs) if log_warning: logger_stitching.warning( ( "Parent submitting institute doesn't match child institute. " "Check this is expected. " "Parent institute: %s. " "Child institute: %s. " "Filepath: %s." ), path_bits_parent["institution_id"], path_bits_child["institution_id"], infile, ) else: warnings.warn( ( "Parent submitting institute doesn't match child institute. " "Check this is expected. " "Parent institute: {}. " "Child institute: {}. " "Filepath: {}." ).format( path_bits_parent["institution_id"], path_bits_child["institution_id"], infile, ) ) return out
def _get_parent_path_base(child_path, replacements_in, drs): replacements = copy.deepcopy(replacements_in) if drs == "MarbleCMIP5": replacements["parent_experiment"] = replacements.pop("parent_experiment_id") parent_path = copy.copy(child_path) for k, v in replacements.items(): pid = k.replace("parent_", "") parent_path = parent_path.replace(_get_path_bits(child_path, drs)[pid], v) timestamp_str = _get_path_bits(child_path, drs, include_time_info=True)[ "timestamp_str" ] parent_path_base = "{}*.nc".format(parent_path.split(timestamp_str)[0]) path_bits = _get_path_bits(child_path, drs) if "version" in path_bits: parent_path_base = parent_path_base.replace(path_bits["version"], "*") return parent_path_base def _do_stitching(loaded, parent, source_path, log_warning): cmip5 = loaded.get_unique_meta("mip_era", no_duplicates=True) == "CMIP5" if not cmip5: # we have the information to check that things line up as expected so let's do it if "parent_time_units" not in loaded.metadata: logger_stitching.warning( "`parent_time_units` not in metadata, assuming that time units " "in child and parent are the same and only checking that " "`branch_time_in_child` is equal to `branch_time_in_parent`. File: %s", source_path, ) if not ( loaded.metadata["branch_time_in_child"] == loaded.metadata["branch_time_in_parent"] ): raise AssertionError else: branch_time_in_parent = get_branch_time(loaded, parent=True) branch_time = get_branch_time(loaded, parent=False, source_path=source_path) if branch_time != branch_time_in_parent: if log_warning: logger_stitching.warning( ( "Branch times don't match. " "Branch time in parent: %s. " "Branch time in child: %s. " "Filepath: %s." ), branch_time_in_parent, branch_time, source_path, ) else: warnings.warn( ( "Branch times don't match. " "Branch time in parent: {}. " "Branch time in child: {}. " "Filepath: {}." ).format( branch_time_in_parent, branch_time, source_path, ) ) else: logger_stitching.debug( "CMIP5 data does not have enough information to check if any adjustment to " "time axes is required before stitching the timeseries (hence we make no " "such check)" ) # join the two, making sure we prioritise data from what we've loaded over the # parent data out = run_append( [loaded, parent.filter(year=loaded["year"].unique().tolist(), keep=False)] ) out = _make_metadata_uniform( out, loaded.get_unique_meta("scenario", no_duplicates=True) ) if any(["(child)" in k for k in parent.metadata]): parent_metadata = { step_up_family_tree(k): v for k, v in parent.metadata.items() } out.metadata = { **{"(child) {}".format(k): v for k, v in loaded.metadata.items()}, **parent_metadata, } else: out.metadata = { **{"(child) {}".format(k): v for k, v in loaded.metadata.items()}, **{"(parent) {}".format(k): v for k, v in parent.metadata.items()}, } return out def _make_metadata_uniform(inscmrun, base_scen): """Make metadata uniform for ease of plotting etc.""" base_scmdf = inscmrun.filter(scenario=base_scen) cols_to_blend = ["region", "variable", "unit"] meta_cols = [c for c in base_scmdf.meta.columns if c not in cols_to_blend] meta_order = meta_cols + cols_to_blend outscmruns = [] for scenrun in inscmrun.groupby("scenario"): scenrun = scenrun.copy() # don't mangle source parent_metadata for meta_col in meta_cols: new_meta = base_scmdf.get_unique_meta(meta_col, no_duplicates=True) scenrun[meta_col] = new_meta outscmruns.append( scenrun.timeseries(meta=meta_order).dropna(how="all", axis="columns") ) joint_df = pd.concat(outscmruns, sort=True, axis=1) return ScmRun(joint_df) def _normalise_timeseries_against_picontrol( openscmrun, picontrol_branching_time, picontrol_file, drs, normalise ): picontrolscmdf = _load_scmrun_and_add_source_file(picontrol_file, drs) normaliser = get_normaliser(normalise) return normaliser.normalise_against_picontrol( openscmrun, picontrolscmdf, picontrol_branching_time )
[docs]def get_branch_time(openscmrun, parent=True, source_path=None, parent_path=None): """ Get branch time of an experiment Parameters ---------- openscmrun : :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Data of which to get the branch time parent : bool Should I get the branch time in the parent experiment's time co-ordinates? If ``False``, return the branch time in the child (i.e. ``openscmrun``'s) time co-ordinates. source_path : str Path to the data file from which ``openscmrun`` is derived. This is only required if ``parent`` is ``False``. It is needed because information about the time calendar and units of the data in ``openscmrun`` is only available in the source file. parent_path : str Path to the data file containing the parent data of ``openscmrun``. This is only required if the data is from CMIP5 because CMIP5 data does not store information about the parent experiment's time calendar and units. Returns ------- :obj:`datetime.datetime` The branch time, rounded to the nearest year, month and day. netCDF-SCM is not designed for very precise calculations, if you need to keep finer information, please raise an issue on our issue tracker to discuss. Raises ------ ValueError ``parent is not True`` and the data is CMIP5 data. It is impossible to determine the branch time in the child time co-ordinates from CMIP5 data because of a lack of information. ValueError ``parent_path is None`` and the data is CMIP5 data. You must supply the parent path if the data is CMIP5 data because the parent file is the only place the parent experiment's time units and calendar information is available. """ cmip5 = openscmrun.get_unique_meta("mip_era", no_duplicates=True) == "CMIP5" if parent: bt_key = "branch_time" if cmip5 else "branch_time_in_parent" else: bt_key = "branch_time" if cmip5 else "branch_time_in_child" if cmip5: if not parent: raise ValueError( "CMIP5 data does not contain information about the branch time " "in the child's time axis" ) if parent_path is None: raise ValueError("If using cmip5 data, you must provide `parent_path`") # have to use file, info not in metadata nc = netCDF4.Dataset(parent_path) branch_time = netCDF4.num2date( _ensure_is_int(openscmrun.metadata[bt_key]), nc.variables["time"].units, nc.variables["time"].calendar, ) elif "BCC" in openscmrun.metadata["source_id"] and not np.equal( openscmrun.metadata[bt_key], 0 ): # think the metadata here is wrong as historical has a branch_time_in_parent # of 2015 so assuming this means the year of the branch not the actual time # in days (like it's meant to) warn_str = ( "Assuming BCC metadata is wrong and branch time units are actually years, " "not days" ) logger_stitching.warning(warn_str) branch_time = dt.datetime(int(openscmrun.metadata[bt_key]), 1, 1) else: if not parent: if source_path is None: raise ValueError( "If not requesting parent data, you must provide `source_path`" ) nc = netCDF4.Dataset(source_path) time_units = nc.variables["time"].units time_calendar = nc.variables["time"].calendar else: time_units = openscmrun.metadata["parent_time_units"] time_calendar = openscmrun.metadata["calendar"] branch_time = netCDF4.num2date( # pylint:disable=no-member _ensure_is_int(openscmrun.metadata[bt_key]), time_units, time_calendar, ) branch_time = dt.datetime(branch_time.year, branch_time.month, return branch_time
[docs]def step_up_family_tree(in_level): """ Step name up the family tree Parameters ---------- in_level : str Level from which to step up Returns ------- str Level one up from ``in_level`` Examples -------- >>> step_up_family_tree("(child)") "(parent)" >>> step_up_family_tree("(parent)") "(grandparent)" >>> step_up_family_tree("(grandparent)") "(grandparent)" >>> step_up_family_tree("(greatgreatgrandparent)") "(greatgreatgreatgrandparent)" """ if "(child)" in in_level: return in_level.replace("(child)", "(parent)") if "(parent)" in in_level: return in_level.replace("(parent)", "(grandparent)") return in_level.replace("grandparent)", "greatgrandparent)")