Source code for netcdf_scm.iris_cube_wrappers

Wrappers of the iris cube.

These classes automate handling of a number of netCDF processing steps.
For example, finding surface land fraction files, applying regions to data and
returning timeseries in key regions for simple climate models.
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import basename, dirname, join, splitext

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from openscm_units import unit_registry
from scmdata import ScmRun

from . import __version__
from .utils import (
from .weights import (

    import cftime
    import iris
    import iris.analysis.cartography
    import iris.coord_categorisation
    import iris.experimental.equalise_cubes
    from iris.exceptions import ConcatenateError, CoordinateMultiDimError
    from iris.fileformats import netcdf
    from iris.util import unify_time_units

    # monkey patch netCDF4 loading to avoid very small chunks
    # required until there is a resolution to
    # and
    def _get_cf_var_data(cf_var, filename):
        import netCDF4  # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel

        # Get lazy chunked data out of a cf variable.
        dtype = netcdf._get_actual_dtype(cf_var)  # pylint:disable=protected-access

        # Create cube with deferred data, but no metadata
        fill_value = getattr(
            netCDF4.default_fillvals[cf_var.dtype.str[1:]],  # pylint:disable=no-member
        proxy = netcdf.NetCDFDataProxy(
            cf_var.shape, dtype, filename, cf_var.cf_name, fill_value
        return netcdf.as_lazy_data(proxy, chunks=None)

    netcdf._get_cf_var_data = _get_cf_var_data  # pylint:disable=protected-access

except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover # emergency valve
    from .errors import raise_no_iris_warning


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ScmCube: # pylint:disable=too-many-public-methods """ Class for processing netCDF files for use with simple climate models. """ lat_name = "latitude" """str: The expected name of the latitude co-ordinate in data.""" lon_name = "longitude" """str: The expected name of the longitude co-ordinate in data.""" time_name = "time" """str: The expected name of the time co-ordinate in data.""" time_period_separator = "-" """ str: Character used to separate time period strings in the time period indicator in filenames. e.g. ``-`` is the 'time period separator' in "2015-2030". """ _time_period_regex = None _known_timestamps = { 4: {"datetime_str": "%Y", "expected_timestep": relativedelta(years=+1)}, 6: {"datetime_str": "%Y%m", "expected_timestep": relativedelta(months=+1)}, 8: {"datetime_str": "%Y%m%d", "expected_timestep": relativedelta(days=+1)}, 10: {"datetime_str": "%Y%m%d%H", "expected_timestep": relativedelta(hours=+1)}, } _timestamp_definitions = None _scm_timeseries_id_map = { "climate_model": "model", "scenario": "experiment", "activity_id": "activity", "member_id": "ensemble_member", "mip_era": "mip_era", "variable": "variable_name", } """Mapping from cube attributes (derived from read files) to SCM timeseries metadata""" _realm_key = "realm" """str: key which identifies the realm of the data""" _area_weights_units = "m**2" """str: assumed units for area weights (checked when data is read)""" def __init__(self): self.cube = None """ :obj:`iris.cube.Cube`: The Iris cube which is wrapped by this :obj:`ScmCube` instance. """ self._loaded_paths = [] """list(str): List of paths loaded whilst using this cube""" self._metadata_cubes = {} """dict of str: :obj:`ScmCube`: Cubes associated with this cube's metadata""" self._weight_calculators = {} """dict of tuple: :obj:`AreaSurfaceFractionWeightCalculator`: Weight calculators used by this cube""" self._have_guessed_realm = False """bool: Have we already guessed our cube data's realm?""" @property def netcdf_scm_realm(self): """ str: The realm in which netCDF-SCM thinks the data belongs. This is used to make decisions about how to take averages of the data and where to find metadata variables. If it is not sure, netCDF-SCM will guess that the data belongs to the 'atmosphere' realm. """ try: if self.cube.attributes[self._realm_key] in ("ocean", "ocnBgchem"): return "ocean" if self.cube.attributes[self._realm_key] in ("land"): return "land" if self.cube.attributes[self._realm_key] in ("atmos"): return "atmosphere" if not self._have_guessed_realm: "Unrecognised `%s` attribute value, `%s`, in `self.cube`, netCDF-SCM will treat the data " "as `atmosphere`", self._realm_key, self.cube.attributes[self._realm_key], ) self._have_guessed_realm = True return "atmosphere" except KeyError: if not self._have_guessed_realm: "No `%s` attribute in `self.cube`, netCDF-SCM will treat the data " "as `atmosphere`", self._realm_key, ) self._have_guessed_realm = True return "atmosphere" @property def areacell_var(self): """ str: The name of the variable associated with the area of each gridbox. If required, this is used to determine the area of each cell in a data file. For example, if our data file is ```` then ``areacell_var`` can be used to work out the name of the associated cell area file. In some cases, it might be as simple as replacing ``tas`` with the value of ``areacell_var``. """ if self.netcdf_scm_realm in ("ocean",): return "areacello" return "areacella" @property def surface_fraction_var(self): """ str: The name of the variable associated with the surface fraction in each gridbox. If required, this is used when looking for the surface fraction file which belongs to a given data file. For example, if our data file is ```` then ``surface_fraction_var`` can be used to work out the name of the associated surface fraction file. In some cases, it might be as simple as replacing ``tas`` with the value of ``surface_fraction_var``. """ if self.netcdf_scm_realm in ("ocean",): return "sftof" return "sftlf" @property def table_name_for_metadata_vars(self): """ str: The name of the 'table' in which metadata variables can be found. For example, ``fx`` or ``Ofx``. We wrap this as a property as table typically means ``table_id`` but is sometimes referred to in other ways e.g. as ``mip_table`` in CMIP5. """ return self._table_name_for_metadata_vars @property def _table_name_for_metadata_vars(self): if self.netcdf_scm_realm in ("ocean",): return "Ofx" return "fx" @property def time_period_regex(self): """ :obj:`_sre.SRE_Pattern`: Regular expression which captures the timeseries identifier in input data files. For help on regular expressions, see :ref:`regular expressions <regular-expressions>`. """ if self._time_period_regex is None: self._time_period_regex = re.compile( r".*_((\d*)" + re.escape(self.time_period_separator) + r"?(\d*)?).*" ) return self._time_period_regex @property def timestamp_definitions(self): """ Definition of valid timestamp information and corresponding key values. This follows the CMIP standards where time strings must be one of the following: YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD, YYYYMMDDHH or one of the previous combined with a hyphen e.g. YYYY-YYYY. Each key in the definitions dictionary is the length of the timestamp. Each value is itself a dictionary, with keys: - datetime_str: the string required to convert a timestamp of this length into a datetime using ``datetime.datetime.strptime`` - generic_regexp: a regular expression which will match timestamps in this format - expected_timestep: a ``dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta`` object which contains the expected timestep in files with this timestamp Returns ------- dict Examples -------- >>> self.timestamp_definitions[len("2012")]["datetime_str"] "%Y" """ if self._timestamp_definitions is None: self._timestamp_definitions = {} for key, value in self._known_timestamps.items(): self._timestamp_definitions[key] = value generic_regexp = r"\d{" + "{}".format(key) + r"}" self._timestamp_definitions[key]["generic_regexp"] = generic_regexp hyphen_key = 2 * key + 1 self._timestamp_definitions[hyphen_key] = { "datetime_str": "{0}-{0}".format(value["datetime_str"]), "expected_timestep": value["expected_timestep"], "generic_regexp": "{0}-{0}".format(generic_regexp), } return self._timestamp_definitions @property def dim_names(self): """ list: Names of the dimensions in this cube Here the names are the ``standard_names`` which means there can be ``None`` in the output. """ return [c.standard_name for c in self.cube.coords()] @property def lon_dim(self): """:obj:`iris.coords.DimCoord` The longitude dimension of the data.""" return self.cube.coord(self.lon_name) @property def lon_dim_number(self): """ int: The index which corresponds to the longitude dimension. e.g. if longitude is the third dimension of the data, then ``self.lon_dim_number`` will be ``2`` (Python is zero-indexed). """ return self.dim_names.index(self.lon_name) @property def lat_dim(self): """:obj:`iris.coords.DimCoord` The latitude dimension of the data.""" return self.cube.coord(self.lat_name) @property def lat_dim_number(self): """ int: The index which corresponds to the latitude dimension. e.g. if latitude is the first dimension of the data, then ``self.lat_dim_number`` will be ``0`` (Python is zero-indexed). """ return self.dim_names.index(self.lat_name) @property def lat_lon_shape(self): """ tuple: 2D Tuple of ``int`` which gives shape of a lat-lon slice of the data e.g. if the cube's shape is (4, 3, 5, 4) and its dimensions are (time, lat, depth, lon) then ``cube.lat_lon_shape`` will be ``(3, 4)`` Raises ------ AssertionError No lat lon slice can be deduced (if this happens, please raise an issue at so we can address your use case). """ return self._get_cube_lat_lon_shape() def _get_cube_lat_lon_shape(self): lat_lon_slice = self._get_lat_lon_slice() if not lat_lon_slice.shape: # pragma: no cover # emergency valve raise AssertionError( "No lat lon slice data found, please raise an issue at " "" ) return lat_lon_slice.shape def _get_non_lat_lon_dims(self): coords_match_shape = len(self.cube.coords()) == len(self.cube.shape) if coords_match_shape: # we can happily assume that no funny business is required return [ c.standard_name if c.standard_name is not None else c.long_name for c in self.cube.coords() if c.standard_name not in [self.lat_name, self.lon_name] ] # try and make sense of what we have # firstly try dropping out any `cell index` co-ordinates cell_index_coords = [ c.var_name for c in self.cube.coords() if c.standard_name is None and c.long_name.startswith("cell index") ] coords_stripped = [ c for c in self.cube.coords() if c.var_name not in cell_index_coords ] coords_stripped_match_shape = len(coords_stripped) == len(self.cube.shape) if coords_stripped_match_shape: logger.debug( "co-ordinates make sense once we ignore `%s`", cell_index_coords, ) return [ c.standard_name if c.standard_name is not None else c.long_name for c in coords_stripped if c.standard_name not in [self.lat_name, self.lon_name] ] # try just looking at the dimensions which have more than one value i.e. # ignore scalar dimensions multi_value_dims = [c for c in coords_stripped if c.points.shape != (1,)] if len(multi_value_dims) == len( # pragma: no cover # emergency valve self.cube.shape ): single_value_coords = [ c.var_name for c in coords_stripped if c.points.shape == (1,) ] logger.debug( "co-ordinates make sense once we ignore `%s` and " "single value co-ordinates `%s`", cell_index_coords, single_value_coords, ) return [ c.standard_name if c.standard_name is not None else c.long_name for c in multi_value_dims if c.standard_name not in [self.lat_name, self.lon_name] ] # throw a warning as we don't know what's going on here logger.warning( "we don't know what we're looking at, `_get_non_lat_lon_dims` " "might not work" ) # return whatever we have return [ c.standard_name if c.standard_name is not None else c.long_name for c in self.cube.coords() if c.standard_name not in [self.lat_name, self.lon_name] ] @property def time_dim(self): """:obj:`iris.coords.DimCoord` The time dimension of the data.""" return self.cube.coord(self.time_name) @property def time_dim_number(self): """ int: The index which corresponds to the time dimension. e.g. if time is the first dimension of the data, then ``self.time_dim_number`` will be ``0`` (Python is zero-indexed). """ return self.dim_names.index(self.time_name) @property def info(self): """ Information about the cube's source files ``res["files"]`` contains the files used to load the data in this cube. ``res["metadata"]`` contains information for each of the metadata cubes used to load the data in this cube. Returns ------- dict """ r = {"files": self._loaded_paths} if self._metadata_cubes: # Get the info dict for each of the metadata cubes r["metadata"] = {k: for k, v in self._metadata_cubes.items()} return r def _load_cube(self, filepath, constraint=None): logger.debug("loading cube %s", filepath) self._loaded_paths.append(filepath) # Raises Warning and Exceptions self.cube = _check_cube_and_adjust_if_needed( iris.load_cube(filepath, constraint=constraint) )
[docs] def load_data_from_path( self, filepath, process_warnings=True # pylint:disable=unused-argument ): """ Load data from a path. If you are using the ``ScmCube`` class directly, this method simply loads the path into an iris cube which can be accessed through ``self.cube``. If implemented on a subclass of ``ScmCube``, this method should: - use ``self.get_load_data_from_identifiers_args_from_filepath`` to determine the suitable set of arguments to pass to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers`` from the filepath - load the data using ``self.load_data_from_identifiers`` as this method contains much better checks and helper components Parameters ---------- filepath : str The filepath from which to load the data. process_warnings : bool Should I process warnings to add e.g. missing metadata information? """ self._load_cube(filepath)
[docs] def load_data_in_directory(self, directory=None, process_warnings=True): """ Load data in a directory. The data is loaded into an iris cube which can be accessed through ``self.cube``. Initially, this method is intended to only be used to load data when it is saved in a number of different timeslice files e.g.: - - - It is not intended to be used to load multiple different variables or non-continuous timeseries. These use cases could be added in future, but are not required yet so have not been included. Note that this function removes any attributes which aren't common between the loaded cubes. In general, we have found that this mainly means ``creation_date``, ``tracking_id`` and ``history`` are deleted. If unsure, please check. Parameters ---------- directory : str Directory from which to load the data. process_warnings : bool Should I process warnings to add e.g. missing metadata information? Raises ------ ValueError If the files in the directory are not from the same run (i.e. their filenames are not identical except for the timestamp) or if the files don't form a continuous timeseries. """ self._load_and_concatenate_files_in_directory( directory, process_warnings=process_warnings )
def _load_and_concatenate_files_in_directory( self, directory, process_warnings=True ): self._check_data_names_in_same_directory(directory) # we use a loop here to make the most of finding missing data like # land-surface fraction and cellarea, something iris can't automatically do loaded_cubes_iris = iris.cube.CubeList() for f in sorted(os.listdir(directory)): self.load_data_from_path( join(directory, f), process_warnings=process_warnings ) loaded_cubes_iris.append(self.cube) unify_time_units(loaded_cubes_iris) unify_lat_lon(loaded_cubes_iris) iris.experimental.equalise_cubes.equalise_attributes(loaded_cubes_iris) try: self.cube = loaded_cubes_iris.concatenate_cube() except ConcatenateError: long_names = [] logger.warning( "Concatenating cubes in %s failed, attempting workarounds", directory ) logger.warning("Removing `time_origin` attribute from all cubes") for ec in loaded_cubes_iris: long_names.append(ec.long_name) # try popping off the time_origin attribute ec.coord("time").attributes.pop("time_origin", None) long_name_majority_rules = max(set(long_names), key=long_names.count) # also try making sure that all long_name are the same logger.warning( "Forcing `long_name` of all cubes to be `%s`", long_name_majority_rules ) for ec in loaded_cubes_iris: ec.long_name = long_name_majority_rules self.cube = loaded_cubes_iris.concatenate_cube() def _check_data_names_in_same_directory(self, directory): found_files = sorted(os.listdir(directory)) assertion_error_msg = ( "Cannot join files in:\n" "{}\n" "Files found:\n" "- {}".format(directory, "\n- ".join(found_files)) ) base_regexp = self._get_timestamp_regex_from_filename(found_files[0]) expected_timestep = self._get_expected_timestep_from_filename(found_files[0]) file_timestamp_bits_prev = self._get_timestamp_bits_from_filename( found_files[0] ) time_format = self.timestamp_definitions[ len(file_timestamp_bits_prev["timestart_str"]) ]["datetime_str"] for found_file in found_files[1:]: if not re.match(base_regexp, found_file): raise AssertionError(assertion_error_msg) file_timestamp_bits = self._get_timestamp_bits_from_filename(found_file) end_time_prev = datetime.strptime( file_timestamp_bits_prev["timeend_str"], time_format ) start_time = datetime.strptime( file_timestamp_bits["timestart_str"], time_format ) if relativedelta(start_time, end_time_prev) != expected_timestep: raise AssertionError(assertion_error_msg) file_timestamp_bits_prev = file_timestamp_bits def _get_timestamp_regex_from_filename(self, filename): timestamp_bits = self._get_timestamp_bits_from_filename(filename) timestamp_str = timestamp_bits["timestamp_str"] return filename.replace( timestamp_str, self.timestamp_definitions[len(timestamp_str)]["generic_regexp"], ) def _get_expected_timestep_from_filename(self, filename): timestamp_bits = self._get_timestamp_bits_from_filename(filename) timestamp_str = timestamp_bits["timestamp_str"] return self.timestamp_definitions[len(timestamp_str)]["expected_timestep"] def _get_timestamp_bits_from_filename(self, filename): regex_matches = re.match(self.time_period_regex, filename) timestamp_str = self._check_time_period_valid(timestamp_str) start_time = end_time = timestep = self.timestamp_definitions[len(timestamp_str)]["expected_timestep"] return { "timestamp_str": timestamp_str, "timestart_str": start_time, "timeend_str": end_time, "expected_timestep": timestep, } def _process_load_data_from_identifiers_warnings(self, w): area_cella_warn = "Missing CF-netCDF measure variable 'areacella'" area_cello_warn = "Missing CF-netCDF measure variable 'areacello'" for warn in w: if any( [m in str(warn.message) for m in (area_cella_warn, area_cello_warn)] ): self._add_areacell_measure(warn, self.areacell_var) else: logger.warning(warn.message) def _add_areacell_measure(self, original_warn, area_variable): try: area_cube = self.get_metadata_cube(area_variable).cube area_measure = iris.coords.CellMeasure( area_cube.core_data(), standard_name=area_cube.standard_name, long_name=area_cube.long_name, var_name=area_cube.var_name, units=area_cube.units, attributes=area_cube.attributes, measure="area", ) self.cube.add_cell_measure( area_measure, data_dims=[self.lat_dim_number, self.lon_dim_number] ) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except error_msg = str( original_warn.message ) + ". Tried to add {} cube but another exception was raised: {}".format( area_variable, str(e) ) logger.debug(error_msg)
[docs] def get_metadata_cube(self, metadata_variable, cube=None): """ Load a metadata cube from self's attributes. Parameters ---------- metadata_variable : str the name of the metadata variable to get, as it appears in the filename. cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Optionally, pass in an already loaded metadata cube to link it to currently loaded cube. Returns ------- type(self) instance of self which has been loaded from the file containing the metadata variable of interest. Raises ------ TypeError ``cube`` is not an :obj:`ScmCube` """ if cube is not None: if not isinstance(cube, ScmCube): raise TypeError("cube must be an ScmCube instance") self._metadata_cubes[metadata_variable] = cube return self._metadata_cubes[metadata_variable]
[docs] def get_scm_timeseries(self, **kwargs): """ Get SCM relevant timeseries from ``self``. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Passed to :meth:`get_scm_timeseries_cubes` Returns ------- :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` instance with the data in the ``data`` attribute and metadata in the ``metadata`` attribute. """ scm_timeseries_cubes = self.get_scm_timeseries_cubes(**kwargs) return self.convert_scm_timeseries_cubes_to_openscmdata(scm_timeseries_cubes)
[docs] def get_scm_timeseries_cubes( self, lazy=False, **kwargs, ): """ Get SCM relevant cubes The effective areas used for each of the regions are added as auxillary co-ordinates of each timeseries cube. If global, Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere land cubes are calculated, then three auxillary co-ordinates are also added to each cube: ``land_fraction``, ``land_fraction_northern_hemisphere`` and ``land_fraction_southern_hemisphere``. These co-ordinates document the area fraction that was considered to be land when the cubes were crunched i.e. ``land_fraction`` is the fraction of the entire globe which was considered to be land, ``land_fraction_northern_hemisphere`` is the fraction of the Northern Hemisphere which was considered to be land and ``land_fraction_southern_hemisphere`` is the fraction of the Southern Hemisphere which was considered to be land. Parameters ---------- lazy : bool Should I process the data lazily? This can be slow as data has to be read off disk multiple time. kwargs : anys Passed to :meth:`get_scm_timeseries_weights` Returns ------- dict of str: :obj:`ScmCube` Dictionary of cubes (region: cube key: value pairs), with latitude-longitude mean data as appropriate for each of the requested regions. Raises ------ InvalidWeightsError No valid weights are found for the requested regions """ scm_timeseries_weights = self.get_scm_timeseries_weights(**kwargs) if not scm_timeseries_weights: regions = kwargs.get("regions", DEFAULT_REGIONS) raise InvalidWeightsError( "No valid weights for regions: {}".format(regions) ) def crunch_timeseries(region, weights): scm_cube, area = take_lat_lon_mean(self, weights) scm_cube = self._add_metadata_to_region_timeseries_cube( scm_cube, region, weight_kwargs=kwargs ) return region, scm_cube, area memory_error = False if not lazy: try: crunch_list = self._crunch_in_memory( crunch_timeseries, scm_timeseries_weights ) except MemoryError: logger.warning( "Data won't fit in memory, will process lazily (hence slowly)" ) memory_error = True if lazy or memory_error: if lazy:"Forcing lazy crunching") data_dir = dirname(["files"][0]) # TODO: remove this, it probably has nasty side effects... self.__init__() self.load_data_in_directory(data_dir) scm_timeseries_weights = self.get_scm_timeseries_weights(**kwargs) crunch_list = self._crunch_serial(crunch_timeseries, scm_timeseries_weights) timeseries_cubes = {region: ts_cube for region, ts_cube, _ in crunch_list} areas = {region: area for region, _, area in crunch_list if area is not None} timeseries_cubes = self._add_areas(timeseries_cubes, areas) timeseries_cubes = self._add_land_fraction(timeseries_cubes, areas) return timeseries_cubes
def _crunch_in_memory(self, crunch_timeseries, scm_regions): # calculating lat-lon mean in parallel could go here self._ensure_data_realised() logger.debug("Crunching SCM timeseries in memory") return self._crunch_serial(crunch_timeseries, scm_regions) @staticmethod def _crunch_serial(crunch_timeseries, scm_regions): return [ crunch_timeseries(region, weights) for region, weights in scm_regions.items() ] def _ensure_data_realised(self): # force the data to realise if self.cube.has_lazy_data(): # pylint:disable=pointless-statement def _add_areas(self, timeseries_cubes, areas): for cube in timeseries_cubes.values(): for region, area in areas.items(): self._sanity_check_area(region, area) area_key = self._convert_region_to_area_key(region) cube.cube.add_aux_coord( iris.coords.AuxCoord( area, long_name=area_key, units=self._area_weights_units ) ) return timeseries_cubes def _sanity_check_area(self, region, area): area_with_units = (area * unit_registry(self._area_weights_units)).to("km**2") area_million_km2 = area_with_units.magnitude / 10 ** 6 raise_error = False if region == "World|Land" or ( region == "World" and self.netcdf_scm_realm in ["land"] ): if not 30 < area_million_km2 < 300: raise_error = True elif region == "World|Ocean" or ( region == "World" and self.netcdf_scm_realm in ["ocean", "ocnBgchem"] ): if not 70 < area_million_km2 < 700: raise_error = True elif region == "World": if not 100 < area_million_km2 < 1000: raise_error = True if raise_error: raise ValueError( "{} area of {:.3f} million km^2 is clearly wrong. ``: {}".format( region, area_million_km2, ) ) @staticmethod def _convert_region_to_area_key(region): return "area_{}".format(region.lower().replace("|", "_").replace(" ", "_")) @staticmethod def _add_land_fraction(timeseries_cubes, areas): add_land_frac = all([r in areas for r in _LAND_FRACTION_REGIONS]) if add_land_frac: for cube in timeseries_cubes.values(): extensions = { "land_fraction": "", "land_fraction_northern_hemisphere": "|Northern Hemisphere", "land_fraction_southern_hemisphere": "|Southern Hemisphere", } fractions = {} for k, ext in extensions.items(): closed_sum = np.isclose( areas["World{}".format(ext)], areas["World{}|Land".format(ext)] + areas["World{}|Ocean".format(ext)], rtol=1e-3, ) if not closed_sum: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError( "Ocean and land area sums don't equal total..." ) fractions[k] = ( areas["World{}|Land".format(ext)] / areas["World{}".format(ext)] ) fractions = { k: areas["World{}|Land".format(ext)] / areas["World{}".format(ext)] for k, ext in extensions.items() } for k, v in fractions.items(): cube.cube.add_aux_coord( iris.coords.AuxCoord(v, long_name=k, units=1) ) else: logger.warning( "Not calculating land fractions as all required cubes are not " "available" ) return timeseries_cubes def _add_metadata_to_region_timeseries_cube(self, scmcube, region, weight_kwargs): has_root_dir = ( hasattr(self, "root_dir") # pylint:disable=no-member and self.root_dir is not None # pylint:disable=no-member ) if has_root_dir: source_file_info = "Files: {}".format( [ p.replace(self.root_dir, "") # pylint:disable=no-member for p in["files"] ] ) else: source_file_info = "Files: {}".format( [basename(p) for p in["files"]] ) if "metadata" in source_meta = {} for k, v in["metadata"].items(): if has_root_dir: source_meta[k] = [ "{}".format( p.replace(self.root_dir, "") # pylint:disable=no-member ) for p in v["files"] ] else: source_meta[k] = ["{}".format(basename(p)) for p in v["files"]] source_file_info = "; ".join( [source_file_info] + ["{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in source_meta.items()] ) scmcube.cube.attributes["crunch_netcdf_scm_version"] = ( "{} (see Nicholls et al. (2021,, " "more info at".format(__version__) ) scmcube.cube.attributes["crunch_source_files"] = source_file_info weight_kwargs_to_save = { k: v for k, v in weight_kwargs.items() if not isinstance(v, ScmCube) } scmcube.cube.attributes["crunch_netcdf_scm_weight_kwargs"] = json.dumps( weight_kwargs_to_save ) scmcube.cube.attributes["region"] = region scmcube.cube.attributes.update(self._get_scm_timeseries_ids()) return scmcube
[docs] def get_area_weights(self, areacell_scmcube=None): """ Get area weights for this cube Parameters ---------- areacell_scmcube : :obj:`ScmCube` :obj:`ScmCube` containing areacell data. If ``None``, we calculate the weights using iris. Returns ------- np.ndarray Weights on the cube's latitude-longitude grid. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError The cube's co-ordinates are multi-dimensional and we don't have cell area data. ValueError Area weights units are not as expected (contradict with ``self._area_weights_units``). """ areacell_scmcube = self._get_areacell_scmcube(areacell_scmcube) if areacell_scmcube is not None: areacell_units = areacell_scmcube.cube.units if self._area_weights_units != areacell_units: raise ValueError( "Your weights need to be in {} but your areacell cube has units of {}".format( self._area_weights_units, areacell_units ) ) area_weights = if cube_lat_lon_grid_compatible_with_array(self, area_weights): return area_weights logger.exception("Area weights incompatible with lat lon grid") logger.warning( "Couldn't find/use areacell_cube, falling back to iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights" ) if self._area_weights_units != "m**2": raise ValueError( "iris.analysis.cartography only returns weights in m**2 but your weights need to be {}".format( self._area_weights_units ) ) try: lat_lon_slice = self._get_lat_lon_slice() iris_weights = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(lat_lon_slice) except ValueError: logger.warning("Guessing latitude and longitude bounds") try: self.cube.coord("latitude").guess_bounds() self.cube.coord("longitude").guess_bounds() except CoordinateMultiDimError: error_msg = ( "iris does not yet support multi-dimensional co-ordinates, you " "will need your data's cell area information before you can crunch" ) raise CoordinateMultiDimError(error_msg) lat_lon_slice = self._get_lat_lon_slice() iris_weights = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(lat_lon_slice) return iris_weights
def _get_lat_lon_slice(self): try: return next(self.cube.slices([self.lat_name, self.lon_name])) except ValueError: non_lat_lon_dims = self._get_non_lat_lon_dims() lat_lon_slice = next(self.cube.slices_over(non_lat_lon_dims)) return lat_lon_slice def _get_areacell_scmcube(self, areacell_scmcube): try: areacell_scmcube = self.get_metadata_cube( self.areacell_var, cube=areacell_scmcube ) if not isinstance(areacell_scmcube.cube, iris.cube.Cube): logger.warning( "areacell cube which was found has cube attribute which isn't an iris cube" ) else: return areacell_scmcube except ( iris.exceptions.ConstraintMismatchError, AttributeError, TypeError, OSError, NotImplementedError, KeyError, ) as e: logger.debug("Could not calculate areacell, error message: %s", e) return None
[docs] def get_scm_timeseries_weights( self, surface_fraction_cube=None, areacell_scmcube=None, regions=None, cell_weights=None, ): """ Get the scm timeseries weights Parameters ---------- surface_fraction_cube : :obj:`ScmCube`, optional land surface fraction data which is used to determine whether a given gridbox is land or ocean. If ``None``, we try to load the land surface fraction automatically. areacell_scmcube : :obj:`ScmCube`, optional cell area data which is used to take the latitude-longitude mean of the cube's data. If ``None``, we try to load this data automatically and if that fails we fall back onto ``iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights``. regions : list[str] List of regions to use. If ``None`` then ``netcdf_scm.regions.DEFAULT_REGIONS`` is used. cell_weights : {'area-only', 'area-surface-fraction'} How cell weights should be calculated. If ``'area-surface-fraction'``, both cell area and its surface fraction will be used to weight the cell. If ``'area-only'``, only the cell's area will be used to weight the cell (cells which do not belong to the region are nonetheless excluded). If ``None``, netCDF-SCM will guess whether land surface fraction weights should be included or not based on the data being processed. When guessing, for ocean data, netCDF-SCM will weight cells only by the horizontal area of the cell i.e. no land fraction (see Section L5 of Griffies et al., *GMD*, 2016, `<>`_). For land variables, netCDF-SCM will weight cells by both thier horizontal area and their land surface fraction. “Yes, you do need to weight the output by land frac (sftlf is the CMIP variable name).” (Chris Jones, *personal communication*, 18 April 2020). For land variables, note that there seems to be nothing in Jones et al., *GMD*, 2016 (`<>`_). Returns ------- dict of str: :obj:`np.ndarray` Dictionary of 'region name': weights, key: value pairs Notes ----- Only regions which can be calculated are returned. If no regions can be calculated, an empty dictionary will be returned. """ if areacell_scmcube is not None: # set area cube to appropriate variable self.get_metadata_cube(self.areacell_var, cube=areacell_scmcube) if surface_fraction_cube is not None: # set area cube to appropriate variable self.get_metadata_cube( self.surface_fraction_var, cube=surface_fraction_cube ) weight_calculator = self._get_weight_calculator(cell_weights=cell_weights) regions = regions if regions is not None else DEFAULT_REGIONS scm_weights = weight_calculator.get_weights(regions) return scm_weights
def _get_weight_calculator(self, cell_weights): key = (("cell_weights", cell_weights),) if key not in self._weight_calculators: self._weight_calculators[key] = self._create_weight_calculator( cell_weights=cell_weights ) return self._weight_calculators[key] def _create_weight_calculator(self, cell_weights): logger.debug("cell_weights: %s", cell_weights) if cell_weights == "area-surface-fraction": out = AreaSurfaceFractionWeightCalculator(self) elif cell_weights == "area-only": out = AreaWeightCalculator(self) elif cell_weights is not None: # pragma: no cover # emergency valve raise NotImplementedError( "Unrecognised cell_weights: {}".format(cell_weights) ) else: logger.debug("self.netcdf_scm_realm: %s", self.netcdf_scm_realm) if self.netcdf_scm_realm == "ocean": out = AreaWeightCalculator(self) else: # anything else e.g. land or atmosphere out = AreaSurfaceFractionWeightCalculator(self) logger.debug("Using: %s", type(out)) return out
[docs] def convert_scm_timeseries_cubes_to_openscmdata( self, scm_timeseries_cubes, out_calendar=None ): """ Convert dictionary of SCM timeseries cubes to an :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Parameters ---------- scm_timeseries_cubes : dict Dictionary of "region name"-:obj:`ScmCube` key-value pairs. out_calendar : str Calendar to use for the time axis of the output Returns ------- :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` containing the data from the SCM timeseries cubes Raises ------ NotImplementedError The (original) input data has dimensions other than time, latitude and longitude (so the data to convert has dimensions other than time). """ data = [] columns = {mc: [] for mc in _SCM_TIMESERIES_META_COLUMNS} for scm_cube in scm_timeseries_cubes.values(): try: data.append(get_cube_timeseries_data(scm_cube, realise_data=True)) except AssertionError: # blocked until we work out how to handle extra coord information in # ScmRun raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot yet get SCM timeseries for data with dimensions other " "than time, latitude and longitude" ) for column_name, column_values in columns.items(): column_values.append(scm_cube.cube.attributes[column_name]) data = np.vstack(data).T time_index, out_calendar = self._get_openscmdata_time_axis_and_calendar( scm_timeseries_cubes, out_calendar=out_calendar ) unit = str(self.cube.units).replace("-", "^-") if unit == "1": unit = "dimensionless" # ensure units behave with pint output = ScmRun( data, index=time_index, columns={**{"unit": str(unit), "model": "unspecified"}, **columns}, ) try: output.metadata["calendar"] = out_calendar except AttributeError: output.metadata = {"calendar": out_calendar} return self._add_metadata_to_scmrun(output, scm_timeseries_cubes)
@staticmethod def _add_metadata_to_scmrun(scmdf, scm_timeseries_cubes): for i, scm_cube in enumerate(scm_timeseries_cubes.values()): for coord in scm_cube.cube.coords(): if coord.standard_name in ["time", "latitude", "longitude", "height"]: continue if coord.long_name.startswith("land_fraction"): new_col = coord.long_name new_val = coord.points.squeeze() else: # pragma: no cover # this is really how it should work for land_fraction too but we don't # have a stable solution for parameter handling in ScmRun yet so # I've done the above instead new_col = "{} ({})".format(coord.long_name, str(coord.units)) new_val = float(coord.points.squeeze()) if not i: scmdf.metadata[new_col] = new_val elif scmdf.metadata[new_col] != new_val: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError("Cubes have different metadata...") for k, v in scm_cube.cube.attributes.items(): if k in scmdf.meta: continue if not i: scmdf.metadata[k] = v elif scmdf.metadata[k] != v: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError("Cubes have different metadata...") return scmdf def _get_scm_timeseries_ids(self): output = {} for k in _SCM_TIMESERIES_META_COLUMNS: if k == "region": continue # handled elsewhere if k == "variable_standard_name": output[k] = self.cube.standard_name continue attr_to_check = self._scm_timeseries_id_map[k] val = getattr(self, attr_to_check) if hasattr(self, attr_to_check) else None if k == "variable": if val is not None: output[k] = val else: warn_msg = ( "Could not determine {}, filling with " "standard_name".format(k) ) logger.warning(warn_msg) output[k] = self.cube.standard_name continue if val is not None: output[k] = val else: warn_msg = "Could not determine {}, filling with 'unspecified'".format( k ) logger.warning(warn_msg) output[k] = "unspecified" return output def _get_openscmdata_time_axis_and_calendar( self, scm_timeseries_cubes, out_calendar ): if out_calendar is None: out_calendar = self.cube.coords("time")[0].units.calendar time_axes = [ get_scm_cube_time_axis_in_calendar(scm_cube, out_calendar) for scm_cube in scm_timeseries_cubes.values() ] assert_all_time_axes_same(time_axes) time_axis = time_axes[0] if isinstance(time_axis[0], cftime.datetime): # inspired by xarray, should make a PR back in there... if out_calendar not in {"standard", "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian"}: logger.warning( "Performing lazy conversion to datetime for calendar: %s. This " "may cause subtle errors in operations that depend on the length " "of time between dates", out_calendar, ) time_axis = _vector_cftime_conversion(time_axis) else: pass # leave openscm to handle from here # As we sometimes have to deal with long timeseries, we force the index to be # pd.Index and not pd.DatetimeIndex. We can't use DatetimeIndex because of a # pandas limitation, see # return pd.Index(time_axis, dtype="object", name="time"), out_calendar def _check_time_period_valid(self, time_period_str): """ Check that a time_period identifier string is valid. Parameters ---------- time_period_str : str Time period string to check. Raises ------ ValueError If the time period is not in a valid format. """ if "_" in time_period_str: self._raise_time_period_invalid_error(time_period_str) if "-" in time_period_str: dates = time_period_str.split("-") if (len(dates) != 2) or (len(dates[0]) != len(dates[1])): self._raise_time_period_invalid_error(time_period_str) else: dates = [time_period_str] try: time_format = self.timestamp_definitions[len(dates[0])]["datetime_str"] except KeyError: self._raise_time_period_invalid_error(time_period_str) for date in dates: try: datetime.strptime(date, time_format) except ValueError: self._raise_time_period_invalid_error(time_period_str) if len(dates) == 2: start_date = datetime.strptime(dates[0], time_format) end_date = datetime.strptime(dates[1], time_format) if start_date >= end_date: self._raise_time_period_invalid_error(time_period_str) @staticmethod def _raise_time_period_invalid_error(time_period_str): message = "Your time_period indicator ({}) does not look right".format( time_period_str ) raise ValueError(message)
class _CMIPCube(ScmCube, ABC): """Base class for cubes which follow a CMIP data reference syntax""" filename_bits_separator = "_" """ str: Character used to separate different parts of the filename This character is used to separate different metadata in the filename. For example, if ``filename_bits_separator`` is an underscore, then the filename could have a component like "bcc_1990-2010" and the underscore would separate "bcc" (the modelling centre which produced the file) from "1990-2010" (the time period of the file). """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.time_period = None """ str: The timespan of the data stored by this cube The string follows the cube's data reference syntax. """ def load_data_from_path(self, filepath, process_warnings=True): """ Load data from a path. Parameters ---------- filepath : str The filepath from which to load the data. process_warnings : bool Should I process warnings to add e.g. missing metadata information? """ load_data_from_identifiers_args = self.get_load_data_from_identifiers_args_from_filepath( filepath ) self.load_data_from_identifiers( process_warnings=process_warnings, **load_data_from_identifiers_args ) def _load_and_concatenate_files_in_directory( self, directory, process_warnings=True ): super()._load_and_concatenate_files_in_directory( directory, process_warnings=process_warnings ) self._add_time_period_from_files_in_directory(directory) def _add_time_period_from_files_in_directory(self, directory): self._check_data_names_in_same_directory(directory) loaded_files = sorted(os.listdir(directory)) strt = self._get_timestamp_bits_from_filename(loaded_files[0])["timestart_str"] end = self._get_timestamp_bits_from_filename(loaded_files[-1])["timeend_str"] self._time_id = self.time_period_separator.join([strt, end]) def get_load_data_from_identifiers_args_from_filepath(self, filepath): """ Get the set of identifiers to use to load data from a filepath. Parameters ---------- filepath : str The filepath from which to load the data. Returns ------- dict Set of arguments which can be passed to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers`` to load the data in the filepath. Raises ------ ValueError Path and filename contradict each other """ path_ids = self.process_path(dirname(filepath)) name_ids = self.process_filename(basename(filepath)) for key, value in path_ids.items(): if (key in name_ids) and (value != name_ids[key]): error_msg = ( "Path and filename do not agree:\n" " - path {0}: {1}\n" " - filename {0}: {2}\n".format(key, value, name_ids[key]) ) raise ValueError(error_msg) return {**path_ids, **name_ids} @abstractmethod def process_path(self, path): """ Cut a path into its identifiers Parameters ---------- path : str The path to process. Path here means just the path, no filename should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input path """ @abstractmethod def process_filename(self, filename): """ Cut a filename into its identifiers Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to process. Filename here means just the filename, no path should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input filename """ def load_data_from_identifiers(self, process_warnings=True, **kwargs): """ Load data using key identifiers. The identifiers are used to determine the path of the file to load. The file is then loaded into an iris cube which can be accessed through ``self.cube``. Parameters ---------- process_warnings : bool Should I process warnings to add e.g. missing metadata information? kwargs : any Arguments which can then be processed by ``self.get_filepath_from_load_data_from_identifiers_args`` and ``self.get_variable_constraint`` to determine the full filepath of the file to load and the variable constraint to use. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # iris v2.2.0 under py3.7 raises a DeprecationWarning about using collections, see warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module=r".*collections.*" ) fpath = self.get_filepath_from_load_data_from_identifiers_args(**kwargs) self._load_cube(fpath, self.get_variable_constraint()) if w and process_warnings: self._process_load_data_from_identifiers_warnings(w) def get_metadata_cube(self, metadata_variable, cube=None): """ Load a metadata cube from self's attributes. Parameters ---------- metadata_variable : str the name of the metadata variable to get, as it appears in the filename. cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Optionally, pass in an already loaded metadata cube to link it to currently loaded cube Returns ------- type(self) instance of self which has been loaded from the file containing the metadata variable of interest. Raises ------ TypeError ``cube`` is not an :obj:`ScmCube` """ if cube is not None: return super().get_metadata_cube(metadata_variable, cube=cube) if metadata_variable not in self._metadata_cubes: load_args = self._get_metadata_load_arguments(metadata_variable) cube = type(self)() cube._metadata_cubes = { # pylint:disable=protected-access k: v for k, v in self._metadata_cubes.items() if k != metadata_variable } cube.load_data_from_identifiers(**load_args) return super().get_metadata_cube(metadata_variable, cube=cube) return super().get_metadata_cube(metadata_variable) @abstractmethod def get_filepath_from_load_data_from_identifiers_args(self, **kwargs): """ Get the full filepath of the data to load from the arguments passed to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers``. This function should, in most cases, call ``self.get_data_directory`` and ``self.get_data_filename``. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Arguments, initially passed to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers`` from which the full filepath of the file to load should be determined. Returns ------- str The full filepath (path and name) of the file to load. """ def get_variable_constraint(self): """ Get the iris variable constraint to use when loading data with ``self.load_data_from_identifiers``. Returns ------- :obj:`iris.Constraint` constraint to use which ensures that only the variable of interest is loaded. """ # thank you Duncan!! # return iris.Constraint( cube_func=( lambda c: c.var_name == np.str(self._variable_name_for_constraint_loading) ) ) @classmethod def get_data_reference_syntax(cls, **kwargs): """ Get data reference syntax for this cube Parameters ---------- kwargs : str Attributes of the cube to set before generating the example data reference syntax. Returns ------- str Example of the full path to a file for the given ``kwargs`` with this cube's data reference syntax. """ helper = cls() for a in dir(helper): try: if callable(a) or callable(getattr(helper, a)): continue if a == "filename_bits_separator" or a.startswith("_"): continue new_separator = "-" if cls.filename_bits_separator == "_" else "_" setattr( helper, a, a.replace(cls.filename_bits_separator, new_separator) ) except AttributeError: continue for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(helper, k, v) return join(helper.get_data_directory(), helper.get_data_filename()) def get_data_directory(self): """ Get the path to a data file from self's attributes. This can take multiple forms, it may just return a previously set filepath attribute or it could combine a number of different metadata elements (e.g. model name, experiment name) to create the data path. Returns ------- str path to the data file from which this cube has been/will be loaded Raises ------ OSError The data directory cannot be determined """ try: return self._get_data_directory() except TypeError: # some required attributes still None raise OSError("Could not determine data directory") @abstractmethod def _get_data_directory(self): pass # pragma: no cover def get_data_filename(self): """ Get the name of a data file from self's attributes. This can take multiple forms, it may just return a previously set filename attribute or it could combine a number of different metadata elements (e.g. model name, experiment name) to create the data name. Returns ------- str name of the data file from which this cube has been/will be loaded. Raises ------ OSError The data directory cannot be determined """ try: return self._get_data_filename() except TypeError: # some required attributes still None raise OSError("Could not determine data filename") @abstractmethod def _get_data_filename(self): pass # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def _get_metadata_load_arguments(self, metadata_variable): """ Get the arguments to load a metadata file from self's attributes. This can take multiple forms, it may just return a previously set metada_filename attribute or it could combine a number of different metadata elements (e.g. model name, experiment name) to create the metadata filename. Parameters ---------- metadata_variable : str the name of the metadata variable to get, as it appears in the filename. Returns ------- dict dictionary containing all the arguments to pass to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers`` required to load the desired metadata cube. """ raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod def _raise_path_error(path): raise ValueError("Path does not look right: {}".format(path)) @staticmethod def _raise_filename_error(filename): raise ValueError("Filename does not look right: {}".format(filename)) @abstractproperty def _variable_name_for_constraint_loading(self): """Variable name to use when loading an iris cube with a constraint""" @abstractproperty def _time_id(self): """Accessor for getting the time id (whose name varies with drs)""" @_time_id.setter def _time_id(self, value): """Accessor for setting the time id (whose name varies with drs)""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class MarbleCMIP5Cube(_CMIPCube): """ Cube which can be used with the ``cmip5`` directory on marble (identical to ETH Zurich's archive). This directory structure is very similar, but not quite identical, to the recommended CMIP5 directory structure described in section 3.1 of the `CMIP5 Data Reference Syntax <>`_. """ _realm_key = "modeling_realm" mip_era = "CMIP5" """str: The MIP era to which this cube belongs""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.root_dir = None """ str: The root directory of the database i.e. where the cube should start its path e.g. ``/home/users/usertim/cmip5_25x25`` """ self.activity = None """str: The activity for which we want to load data e.g. 'cmip5'""" self.experiment = None """str: The experiment for which we want to load data e.g. '1pctCO2'""" self.mip_table = None """str: The mip_table for which we want to load data e.g. 'Amon'""" self.variable_name = None """str: The variable for which we want to load data e.g. 'tas'""" self.model = None """str: The model for which we want to load data e.g. 'CanESM2'""" self.ensemble_member = None """str: The ensemble member for which we want to load data e.g. 'r1i1p1'""" self.time_period = None """ str: The time period for which we want to load data If ``None``, this information isn't included in the filename which is useful for loading metadata files which don't have a relevant time period. """ self.file_ext = None """str: The file extension of the data file we want to load e.g. '.nc'""" @property def _table_name_for_metadata_vars(self): return "fx"
[docs] def process_filename(self, filename): """ Cut a filename into its identifiers Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to process. Filename here means just the filename, no path should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input filename """ filename_bits = filename.split(self.filename_bits_separator) if len(filename_bits) == 6: time_period, file_ext = splitext(filename_bits[-1]) ensemble_member = filename_bits[-2] elif len(filename_bits) == 5: time_period = None ensemble_member, file_ext = splitext(filename_bits[-1]) else: self._raise_filename_error(filename) if not file_ext: self._raise_filename_error(filename) return { "variable_name": filename_bits[0], "mip_table": filename_bits[1], "model": filename_bits[2], "experiment": filename_bits[3], "ensemble_member": ensemble_member, "time_period": time_period, "file_ext": file_ext, }
[docs] def process_path(self, path): """ Cut a path into its identifiers Parameters ---------- path : str The path to process. Path here means just the path, no filename should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input path """ path = path[:-1] if path.endswith(os.sep) else path dirpath_bits = path.split(os.sep) if (len(dirpath_bits) < 6) or any( [self.filename_bits_separator in d for d in dirpath_bits[-6:]] ): self._raise_path_error(path) root_dir = os.sep.join(dirpath_bits[:-6]) if not root_dir: root_dir = "." return { "root_dir": root_dir, "activity": dirpath_bits[-6], "variable_name": dirpath_bits[-3], "mip_table": dirpath_bits[-4], "model": dirpath_bits[-2], "experiment": dirpath_bits[-5], "ensemble_member": dirpath_bits[-1], }
[docs] def get_filepath_from_load_data_from_identifiers_args(self, **kwargs): """ Get the full filepath of the data to load from the arguments passed to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers``. Full details about the identifiers are given in Section 2 of the `CMIP5 Data Reference Syntax <>`_. Parameters ---------- kwargs : str Identifiers to use to load the data Returns ------- str The full filepath (path and name) of the file to load. Raises ------ AttributeError An input argument does not match with the cube's data reference syntax """ for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value) return join(self.get_data_directory(), self.get_data_filename())
def _get_data_directory(self): return join( self.root_dir, self.activity, self.experiment, self.mip_table, self.variable_name, self.model, self.ensemble_member, ) def _get_data_filename(self): bits_to_join = [ self.variable_name, self.mip_table, self.model, self.experiment, self.ensemble_member, ] if self.time_period is not None: bits_to_join.append(self.time_period) return self.filename_bits_separator.join(bits_to_join) + self.file_ext def _get_metadata_load_arguments(self, metadata_variable): return { "root_dir": self.root_dir, "activity": self.activity, "experiment": self.experiment, "mip_table": self.table_name_for_metadata_vars, "variable_name": metadata_variable, "model": self.model, "ensemble_member": "r0i0p0", "time_period": None, "file_ext": self.file_ext, } @property def _variable_name_for_constraint_loading(self): return self.variable_name @property def _time_id(self): return self.time_period @_time_id.setter def _time_id(self, value): self.time_period = value
[docs]class CMIP6Input4MIPsCube(_CMIPCube): """ Cube which can be used with CMIP6 input4MIPs data The data must match the CMIP6 Forcing Datasets Summary, specifically the `Forcing Dataset Specifications <>`_. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.root_dir = None """ str: The root directory of the database i.e. where the cube should start its path e.g. ``/home/users/usertim/cmip6input``. """ self.activity_id = None """ str: The activity_id for which we want to load data. For these cubes, this will almost always be ``input4MIPs``. """ self.mip_era = None """str: The mip_era for which we want to load data e.g. ``CMIP6``""" self.target_mip = None """str:The target_mip for which we want to load data e.g. ``ScenarioMIP``""" self.institution_id = None """str: The institution_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``UoM``""" self.source_id = None """ str: The source_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``UoM-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp585-1-2-0`` This must include the institution_id. """ self.realm = None """str: The realm for which we want to load data e.g. ``atmos``""" self.frequency = None """str: The frequency for which we want to load data e.g. ``yr``""" self.variable_id = None """str: The variable_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``mole-fraction-of-carbon-dioxide-in-air``""" self.grid_label = None """str: The grid_label for which we want to load data e.g. ``gr1-GMNHSH``""" self.version = None """str: The version for which we want to load data e.g. ``v20180427``""" self.dataset_category = None """str: The dataset_category for which we want to load data e.g. ``GHGConcentrations``""" self.time_range = None """ str: The time range for which we want to load data e.g. ``2005-2100`` If ``None``, this information isn't included in the filename which is useful for loading metadata files which don't have a relevant time period. """ self.file_ext = None """str: The file extension of the data file we want to load e.g. ``.nc``"""
[docs] def process_filename(self, filename): """ Cut a filename into its identifiers Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to process. Filename here means just the filename, no path should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input filename """ filename_bits = filename.split(self.filename_bits_separator) if len(filename_bits) == 7: time_range, file_ext = splitext(filename_bits[-1]) grid_label = filename_bits[-2] elif len(filename_bits) == 6: time_range = None grid_label, file_ext = splitext(filename_bits[-1]) else: self._raise_filename_error(filename) if not file_ext: self._raise_filename_error(filename) return { "variable_id": filename_bits[0], "activity_id": filename_bits[1], "dataset_category": filename_bits[2], "target_mip": filename_bits[3], "source_id": filename_bits[4], "grid_label": grid_label, "time_range": time_range, "file_ext": file_ext, }
[docs] def process_path(self, path): """ Cut a path into its identifiers Parameters ---------- path : str The path to process. Path here means just the path, no filename should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input path """ path = path[:-1] if path.endswith(os.sep) else path dirpath_bits = path.split(os.sep) if (len(dirpath_bits) < 10) or any( [self.filename_bits_separator in d for d in dirpath_bits[-10:]] ): self._raise_path_error(path) root_dir = os.sep.join(dirpath_bits[:-10]) if not root_dir: root_dir = "." return { "root_dir": root_dir, "activity_id": dirpath_bits[-10], "mip_era": dirpath_bits[-9], "target_mip": dirpath_bits[-8], "institution_id": dirpath_bits[-7], "source_id": dirpath_bits[-6], "realm": dirpath_bits[-5], "frequency": dirpath_bits[-4], "variable_id": dirpath_bits[-3], "grid_label": dirpath_bits[-2], "version": dirpath_bits[-1], }
[docs] def get_filepath_from_load_data_from_identifiers_args(self, **kwargs): """ Get the full filepath of the data to load from the arguments passed to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers``. Full details about the meaning of the identifiers are given in the `Forcing Dataset Specifications <>`_. Parameters ---------- kwargs : str Identifiers to use to load the data Returns ------- str The full filepath (path and name) of the file to load. Raises ------ AttributeError An input argument does not match with the cube's data reference syntax """ for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value) # TODO: do time indicator/frequency checks too and make a new method for # checks so can be reused by different methods self._check_self_consistency() return join(self.get_data_directory(), self.get_data_filename())
def _check_self_consistency(self): if str(self.institution_id) not in str(self.source_id): raise AssertionError("source_id must contain institution_id") def _get_metadata_load_arguments(self, metadata_variable): return { "root_dir": self.root_dir, "activity_id": self.activity_id, "mip_era": self.mip_era, "target_mip": self.target_mip, "institution_id": self.institution_id, "source_id": self.source_id, "realm": self.realm, "frequency": "fx", "variable_id": metadata_variable, "grid_label": self.grid_label, "version": self.version, "dataset_category": self.dataset_category, "time_range": None, "file_ext": self.file_ext, } def _get_data_filename(self): bits_to_join = [ self.variable_id, self.activity_id, self.dataset_category, self.target_mip, self.source_id, self.grid_label, ] if self.time_range is not None: bits_to_join.append(self.time_range) return self.filename_bits_separator.join(bits_to_join) + self.file_ext def _get_data_directory(self): return join( self.root_dir, self.activity_id, self.mip_era, self.target_mip, self.institution_id, self.source_id, self.realm, self.frequency, self.variable_id, self.grid_label, self.version, ) @property def _variable_name_for_constraint_loading(self): return self.variable_id.replace("-", "_") @property def _time_id(self): return self.time_range @_time_id.setter def _time_id(self, value): self.time_range = value
[docs]class CMIP6OutputCube(_CMIPCube): """ Cube which can be used with CMIP6 model output data The data must match the CMIP6 data reference syntax as specified in the 'File name template' and 'Directory structure template' sections of the `CMIP6 Data Reference Syntax <>`_. """ _scm_timeseries_id_map = { "variable": "variable_id", "climate_model": "source_id", "scenario": "experiment_id", "activity_id": "activity_id", "member_id": "member_id", "mip_era": "mip_era", } def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.root_dir = None """ str: The root directory of the database i.e. where the cube should start its path e.g. ``/home/users/usertim/cmip6_data``. """ self.activity_id = None """ str: The activity_id for which we want to load data. In CMIP6, this denotes the responsible MIP e.g. ``DCPP``. """ self.mip_era = None """str: The mip_era for which we want to load data e.g. ``CMIP6``""" self.institution_id = None """str: The institution_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``CNRM-CERFACS``""" self.source_id = None """ str: The source_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``CNRM-CM6-1`` This was known as model in CMIP5. """ self.experiment_id = None """str: The experiment_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``dcppA-hindcast``""" self.member_id = None """str: The member_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``s1960-r2i1p1f3``""" self.table_id = None """str: The table_id for which we want to load data. e.g. ``day``""" self.variable_id = None """str: The variable_id for which we want to load data e.g. ``pr``""" self.grid_label = None """str: The grid_label for which we want to load data e.g. ``grn``""" self.version = None """str: The version for which we want to load data e.g. ``v20160215``""" self.time_range = None """ str: The time range for which we want to load data e.g. ``198001-198412`` If ``None``, this information isn't included in the filename which is useful for loading metadata files which don't have a relevant time period. """ self.file_ext = None """str: The file extension of the data file we want to load e.g. ``.nc``"""
[docs] def process_filename(self, filename): """ Cut a filename into its identifiers Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to process. Filename here means just the filename, no path should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input filename """ filename_bits = filename.split(self.filename_bits_separator) if len(filename_bits) == 7: time_range, file_ext = splitext(filename_bits[-1]) grid_label = filename_bits[-2] elif len(filename_bits) == 6: time_range = None grid_label, file_ext = splitext(filename_bits[-1]) else: self._raise_filename_error(filename) if not file_ext: self._raise_filename_error(filename) return { "variable_id": filename_bits[0], "table_id": filename_bits[1], "source_id": filename_bits[2], "experiment_id": filename_bits[3], "member_id": filename_bits[4], "grid_label": grid_label, "time_range": time_range, "file_ext": file_ext, }
[docs] def process_path(self, path): """ Cut a path into its identifiers Parameters ---------- path : str The path to process. Path here means just the path, no filename should be included. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where each key is the identifier name and each value is the value of that identifier for the input path """ path = path[:-1] if path.endswith(os.sep) else path dirpath_bits = path.split(os.sep) if (len(dirpath_bits) < 10) or any( [self.filename_bits_separator in d for d in dirpath_bits[-10:]] ): self._raise_path_error(path) root_dir = os.sep.join(dirpath_bits[:-10]) if not root_dir: root_dir = "." return { "root_dir": root_dir, "mip_era": dirpath_bits[-10], "activity_id": dirpath_bits[-9], "institution_id": dirpath_bits[-8], "source_id": dirpath_bits[-7], "experiment_id": dirpath_bits[-6], "member_id": dirpath_bits[-5], "table_id": dirpath_bits[-4], "variable_id": dirpath_bits[-3], "grid_label": dirpath_bits[-2], "version": dirpath_bits[-1], }
[docs] @classmethod def get_instance_id(cls, filepath): """ Get the instance_id from a given path This is used as a unique identifier for datasets on the ESGF. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full file path including directory structure Raises ------ ValueError: If the filepath provided results in an instance id which is obviously incorrect Returns ------- str Instance ID """ instance_id = "{mip_era}.{activity_id}.{institution_id}.{source_id}.{experiment_id}.{member_id}.{table_id}.{variable_id}.{grid_label}.{version}".format( **cls().process_path(os.path.dirname(filepath)) ) if not instance_id.startswith("CMIP6"): raise ValueError( "invalid instance_id: {} for filepath {}".format(instance_id, filepath) ) return instance_id
[docs] def get_filepath_from_load_data_from_identifiers_args(self, **kwargs): """ Get the full filepath of the data to load from the arguments passed to ``self.load_data_from_identifiers``. Full details about the meaning of each identifier is given in Table 1 of the `CMIP6 Data Reference Syntax <>`_. Parameters ---------- kwargs : str Identifiers to use to load the data Returns ------- str The full filepath (path and name) of the file to load. Raises ------ AttributeError An input argument does not match with the cube's data reference syntax """ for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value) return join(self.get_data_directory(), self.get_data_filename())
def _get_metadata_load_arguments(self, metadata_variable): return { "root_dir": self.root_dir, "mip_era": self.mip_era, "activity_id": self.activity_id, "institution_id": self.institution_id, "source_id": self.source_id, "experiment_id": self.experiment_id, "member_id": self.member_id, "table_id": self.table_name_for_metadata_vars, "variable_id": metadata_variable, "grid_label": self.grid_label, "version": self.version, "time_range": None, "file_ext": self.file_ext, } def _get_data_filename(self): bits_to_join = [ self.variable_id, self.table_id, self.source_id, self.experiment_id, self.member_id, self.grid_label, ] if self.time_range is not None: bits_to_join.append(self.time_range) return self.filename_bits_separator.join(bits_to_join) + self.file_ext def _get_data_directory(self): return join( self.root_dir, self.mip_era, self.activity_id, self.institution_id, self.source_id, self.experiment_id, self.member_id, self.table_id, self.variable_id, self.grid_label, self.version, ) @property def _variable_name_for_constraint_loading(self): return self.variable_id.replace("-", "_") @property def _time_id(self): return self.time_range @_time_id.setter def _time_id(self, value): self.time_range = value