Source code for netcdf_scm.weights

Module which calculates the weights to be used when taking SCM-box averages

This typically requires considering both the fraction of each cell which is of the desired type (e.g. land or ocean) and the area of each cell. The combination of these two pieces of information creates the weights for each cell which are used when taking area-weighted means.
import logging
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np
from packaging import version

from ..utils import cube_lat_lon_grid_compatible_with_array

    import iris
    from iris.analysis.cartography import wrap_lons
except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover # emergency valve
    from ..errors import raise_no_iris_warning


    import regionmask
    import xarray as xr

    if version.parse(regionmask.__version__) >= version.parse("0.6"):
        has_regionmask = True
        has_regionmask = False
except ImportError:
    has_regionmask = False

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "World|Northern Hemisphere",
    "World|Southern Hemisphere",
    "World|Northern Hemisphere|Land",
    "World|Southern Hemisphere|Land",
    "World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean",
    "World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean",

[docs]class InvalidWeightsError(Exception): """ Raised when a weight cannot be calculated. This error usually propogates. For example, if a child weight used in the calculation of a parent weight fails then the parent weight should also raise an InvalidWeightsError exception (unless it can be satisfactorily handled). """
[docs]def subtract_weights(weights_to_subtract, subtract_from): """ Subtract weights from some other number e.g. useful to convert e.g. from fraction of land to ocean (where ocean fractions are 1 - land fractions) Parameters ---------- weights_to_subtract: str Name of the weights to subtract. These weights are loaded at evaluation time. subtract_from : float The number from which to subtract the values of ``weights_to_invert`` (once loaded) Returns ------- :func:`WeightFunc` WeightFunc which subtracts the input weights from ``subtract_from`` """ def f(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument base = ( weights_to_subtract(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs) if callable(weights_to_subtract) else weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting( weights_to_subtract ) ) return subtract_from - base return f
[docs]def multiply_weights(weight_a, weight_b): """ Take the product of two weights Parameters ---------- weight_a : str or WeightFunc If a string is provided, the weights specified by the string are retrieved. Otherwise the WeightFunc is evaluated at runtime weight_b: str or WeightFunc If a string is provided, the weights specified by the string are retrieved. Otherwise the WeightFunc is evaluated at runtime Returns ------- :func:`WeightFunc` WeightFunc which multiplies the input weights """ def f(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs): a = ( weight_a(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs) if callable(weight_a) else weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting(weight_a) ) b = ( weight_b(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs) if callable(weight_b) else weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting(weight_b) ) return a * b return f
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_default_sftlf_cube(): """Load netCDF-SCM's default (last resort) surface land fraction cube""" return iris.load_cube(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), _DEFAULT_SFTLF_FILE))
def _check_surface_fraction_bounds_and_shape(surface_frac_data, base_cube): surface_frac_data_max = surface_frac_data.max() if not np.isclose(surface_frac_data_max, 1, atol=0.1): logger.debug( "%s data max is %s, dividing by %s to convert units to fraction", base_cube.surface_fraction_var, surface_frac_data_max, surface_frac_data_max, ) surface_frac_data = surface_frac_data / surface_frac_data_max if not cube_lat_lon_grid_compatible_with_array(base_cube, surface_frac_data): raise AssertionError( "the {} cube data must be the same shape as the cube's " "longitude-latitude grid".format(base_cube.surface_fraction_var) ) return surface_frac_data
[docs]def get_land_weights( # pylint:disable=unused-argument weight_calculator, cube, sftlf_cube=None, **kwargs ): """ Get the land weights The weights are always adjusted to have units of percentage. If the units are detected to be fraction rather than percentage, they will be automatically adjusted and a warning will be thrown. If the default sftlf cube is used, it is regridded onto ``cube``'s grid using a linear interpolation. We hope to use an area-weighted regridding in future but at the moment its performance is not good enough to be put into production ( approximately 100x slower than the linear interpolation regridding). Parameters ---------- weight_calculator : :obj:`CubeWeightCalculator` Cube weight calculator from which to retrieve the weights cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube to create weights for sftlf_cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube containing the surface land-fraction data kwargs : Any Ignored (required for compatibility with ``CubeWeightCalculator``) Returns ------- np.ndarray Land weights Raises ------ AssertionError The land weights are incompatible with the cube's lat-lon grid """ def _return_and_set_cache(vals): weight_calculator._weights_no_area_weighting[ # pylint:disable=protected-access "World|Land" ] = vals return vals if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "ocean": return _return_and_set_cache( np.zeros(get_binary_nh_weights(weight_calculator, cube).shape) ) sftlf_data = None try: sftlf_cube = cube.get_metadata_cube(cube.surface_fraction_var, cube=sftlf_cube) sftlf_data = except (OSError, KeyError): # TODO: fix reading so KeyError not needed warn_msg = ( "Land surface fraction (sftlf) data not available, using default instead" ) logger.warning(warn_msg) try: def_cube_regridded = ( get_default_sftlf_cube() .copy() .regrid( cube.cube, iris.analysis.Linear(), # AreaWeighted() in future but too slow now ) ) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover # only required for AreaWeighted() regridding logger.warning("Guessing bounds to regrid default sftlf data") cube.lat_dim.guess_bounds() cube.lon_dim.guess_bounds() def_cube_regridded = ( get_default_sftlf_cube() .copy() .regrid( cube.cube, iris.analysis.Linear(), # AreaWeighted() in future but too slow now ) ) sftlf_data = sftlf_data = _check_surface_fraction_bounds_and_shape(sftlf_data, cube) return _return_and_set_cache(sftlf_data)
[docs]def get_ocean_weights( # pylint:disable=unused-argument weight_calculator, cube, sftof_cube=None, **kwargs ): """ Get the ocean weights The weights are always adjusted to have units of percentage. Parameters ---------- weight_calculator : :obj:`CubeWeightCalculator` Cube weight calculator from which to retrieve the weights cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube to create weights for sftof_cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube containing the surface ocean-fraction data kwargs : Any Ignored (required for compatibility with ``CubeWeightCalculator``) Returns ------- np.ndarray Ocean weights Raises ------ AssertionError The ocean weights are incompatible with the cube's lat-lon grid """ def _return_and_set_cache(vals): weight_calculator._weights_no_area_weighting[ # pylint:disable=protected-access "World|Ocean" ] = vals return vals if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "land": return _return_and_set_cache( 0 * np.ones(get_binary_nh_weights(weight_calculator, cube).shape) ) if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "ocean": try: sftof_cube = cube.get_metadata_cube( cube.surface_fraction_var, cube=sftof_cube ) sftof_data = sftof_data = _check_surface_fraction_bounds_and_shape(sftof_data, cube) return _return_and_set_cache(sftof_data) except (OSError, KeyError): # TODO: fix reading so KeyError not needed pass return _return_and_set_cache( 1 - weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting("World|Land") )
[docs]def get_binary_nh_weights( weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs ): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Get binary weights to only include the Northern Hemisphere Parameters ---------- weight_calculator : :obj:`CubeWeightCalculator` Cube weight calculator from which to retrieve the weights cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube to create weights for kwargs : Any Ignored (required for compatibility with ``CubeWeightCalculator``) Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` Binary northern hemisphere weights """ weights_nh_lat = np.array([c >= 0 for c in cube.lat_dim.points]).astype(int) weights_all_lon = np.ones(cube.lon_dim.points.shape) if len(weights_nh_lat.shape) > 1: weights_nh = weights_nh_lat * weights_all_lon else: weights_nh = np.outer(weights_nh_lat, weights_all_lon) return weights_nh
[docs]def get_nh_weights(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Get weights to only include the Northern Hemisphere Parameters ---------- weight_calculator : :obj:`CubeWeightCalculator` Cube weight calculator from which to retrieve the weights cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube to create weights for kwargs : Any Ignored (required for compatibility with ``CubeWeightCalculator``) Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` Northern hemisphere weights """ weights_nh = get_binary_nh_weights(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs) if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "land": weights_nh = ( weights_nh * weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting("World|Land") ) elif cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "ocean": weights_nh = ( weights_nh * weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting("World|Ocean") ) weight_calculator._weights_no_area_weighting[ # pylint:disable=protected-access "World|Northern Hemisphere" ] = weights_nh return weights_nh
[docs]def get_sh_weights(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Get weights to only include the Southern Hemisphere Parameters ---------- weight_calculator : :obj:`CubeWeightCalculator` Cube weight calculator from which to retrieve the weights cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube to create weights for kwargs : Any Ignored (required for compatibility with ``CubeWeightCalculator``) Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` Southern hemisphere weights """ weights_sh = 1 - get_binary_nh_weights(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs) if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "land": weights_sh = ( weights_sh * weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting("World|Land") ) elif cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "ocean": weights_sh = ( weights_sh * weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting("World|Ocean") ) weight_calculator._weights_no_area_weighting[ # pylint:disable=protected-access "World|Southern Hemisphere" ] = weights_sh return weights_sh
[docs]def get_weights_for_area(lower_lat, left_lon, upper_lat, right_lon): """ Weights a subset of the globe using latitudes and longitudes (in degrees East) Iris' standard behaviour is to include any point whose bounds overlap with the given ranges e.g. if the range is (0, 130) then a cell whose bounds were (-90, 5) would be included even if its point were -42.5. This can be altered with the ``ignore_bounds`` keyword argument to ``cube.intersection``. In this case only cells whose points lie within the range are included so if the range is (0, 130) then a cell whose bounds were (-90, 5) would be excluded if its point were -42.5. Here we follow the ``ignore_bounds=True`` behaviour (i.e. only include if the point lies within the specified range). If we want to only include the cell if the entire box is within a point we're going to need to tweak things. Given this isn't available in iris, it seems to be an unusual way to do intersection so we haven't implemented it. Circular coordinates (longitude) can cross the 0E. Parameters ---------- lower_lat : int or float Lower latitude bound (degrees North) left_lon : int or float Lower longitude bound (degrees East) upper_lat : int or float Upper latitude bound (degrees North) right_lon : int or float Upper longitude bound (degrees East) Returns ------- :func:`WeightFunc` WeightFunc which weights out everything except the specified area """ def f(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument lon_dim_pts = cube.lon_dim.points lat_dim_pts = cube.lat_dim.points lat_lon_size = cube.lat_lon_shape if len(lat_dim_pts.shape) == 1: lat_dim_pts = np.broadcast_to(lat_dim_pts, lat_lon_size[::-1]).T if len(lon_dim_pts.shape) == 1: lon_dim_pts = np.broadcast_to(lon_dim_pts, lat_lon_size) weights_lat = ((lower_lat <= lat_dim_pts) & (lat_dim_pts <= upper_lat)).astype( int ) lon_modulus = cube.lon_dim.units.modulus lon_min = np.floor(lon_dim_pts.min()) left_lon_wrapped, right_lon_wrapped = wrap_lons( np.array([left_lon, right_lon]), lon_min, lon_modulus ).astype(int) if left_lon_wrapped <= right_lon_wrapped: weights_lon = (left_lon_wrapped <= lon_dim_pts) & ( lon_dim_pts <= right_lon_wrapped ) else: weights_lon = ( (lon_min <= lon_dim_pts) & (lon_dim_pts <= right_lon_wrapped) ) | ( (left_lon_wrapped <= lon_dim_pts) & (lon_dim_pts <= lon_min + lon_modulus) ) weights_lon = weights_lon.astype(int) # TODO: make issue in Iris about the fact that ``cube.intersection``'s errors # are cryptic error_msg = "None of the cube's {} lie within the bounds:\nquery: ({}, {})\ncube points: {}" if np.equal(np.sum(weights_lon), 0): raise InvalidWeightsError( error_msg.format("latitudes", lower_lat, upper_lat, cube.lat_dim.points) ) if np.equal(np.sum(weights_lat), 0): raise InvalidWeightsError( error_msg.format("longitudes", left_lon, right_lon, cube.lon_dim.points) ) weights = weights_lon * weights_lat return weights return f
[docs]def get_world_weights( weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs ): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Get weights for the world Parameters ---------- weight_calculator : :obj:`CubeWeightCalculator` Cube weight calculator from which to retrieve the weights cube : :obj:`ScmCube` Cube to create weights for kwargs : Any Ignored (required for compatibility with ``CubeWeightCalculator``) Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` Weights which can be used for the world mean calculation """ if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "land": return weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting("World|Land") if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "ocean": return weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting("World|Ocean") return np.ones( weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting( "World|Northern Hemisphere" ).shape )
[docs]def get_ar6_region_weights(region): """ Get a function to calculate the weights for a given AR6 region AR6 regions defined in Iturbide et al., 2020 Parameters ---------- region : str AR6 region to extract Returns ------- :func:`WeightFunc` WeightFunc which weights out everything except the specified area """ def _calculate_region_weights(weight_calculator, cube, **kwargs): if cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "land": weights = weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting( "World|Land" ) elif cube.netcdf_scm_realm == "ocean": weights = weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting( "World|Ocean" ) else: weights = weight_calculator.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting( "World" ) region_mask = regionmask.defined_regions.ar6.all[[region]] tdat_xr = xr.DataArray.from_iris(cube.cube) mask = region_mask.mask_3D(tdat_xr) weights_xr = xr.DataArray( weights, coords=[ cube.cube.coord("latitude").points, cube.cube.coord("longitude").points, ], dims=["lat", "lon"], ) weights = weights_xr.where(mask[0]).values weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 0 return weights return _calculate_region_weights
"""dict: in-built functions to calculate weights for different regions without area weighting""" WEIGHTS_FUNCTIONS_WITHOUT_AREA_WEIGHTING = { "World": get_world_weights, "World|Northern Hemisphere": get_nh_weights, "World|Southern Hemisphere": get_sh_weights, "World|Land": get_land_weights, "World|Ocean": get_ocean_weights, "World|Northern Hemisphere|Land": multiply_weights( get_binary_nh_weights, "World|Land" ), "World|Southern Hemisphere|Land": multiply_weights( subtract_weights(get_binary_nh_weights, 1), "World|Land" ), "World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean": multiply_weights( get_binary_nh_weights, "World|Ocean" ), "World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean": multiply_weights( subtract_weights(get_binary_nh_weights, 1), "World|Ocean" ), "World|North Atlantic Ocean": multiply_weights( get_weights_for_area(0, -80, 65, 0), "World|Ocean" ), # 5N-5S, 170W-120W (i.e. 190E to 240E) see # "World|El Nino N3.4": multiply_weights( get_weights_for_area(-5, 190, 5, 240), "World|Ocean" ), } if has_regionmask: for ar6_region_abbrev in regionmask.defined_regions.ar6.all.abbrevs: region_name = "World|AR6|{}".format(ar6_region_abbrev) WEIGHTS_FUNCTIONS_WITHOUT_AREA_WEIGHTING[region_name] = get_ar6_region_weights( ar6_region_abbrev )
[docs]class CubeWeightCalculator(ABC): """ Computes weights for a given cube in a somewhat efficient manner. Previously calculated weights are cached so each set of weights is only calculated once. This implementation trades off some additional memory overhead for the ability to generate arbitary weights. **Adding new weights** Additional weights can be added to ``netcdf_scm.weights.weights``. The values in ``weights`` should be WeightFunc's. A WeightFunc is a function which takes a ScmCube, CubeWeightCalculator and any additional keyword arguments. The function should return a numpy array with the same dimensionality as the ScmCube. These WeightFunc's can be composed together to create more complex functionality using e.g. ``multiply_weights``. """ def __init__(self, cube, **kwargs): """ Initialise Parameters ---------- cube : :obj:`ScmCube` cube to generate weights for kwargs : dict Any optional arguments to be passed to the WeightFunc's during evaluation. Possible parameters include: sftlf_cube : ScmCube """ self.cube = cube self._weights_no_area_weighting = {} self._weights = {} self._area_weights = None self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def get_weights_array_without_area_weighting(self, weights_name): """ Get a single normalised weights array without any consideration of area weighting The weights are normalised to be in the range [0, 1] Parameters ---------- weights_name : str Region to get weights for Returns ------- np.ndarray Weights, normalised to be in the range [0, 1] Raises ------ InvalidWeightsError If the requested weights cannot be found or evaluated ValueError The retrieved weights are not normalised to the range [0, 1] """ try: return self._weights_no_area_weighting[weights_name] except KeyError: try: if weights_name.startswith("World|AR6|") and not has_regionmask: raise InvalidWeightsError( "regionmask>=0.6 is not installed. Run `pip install regionmask>=0.6`" ) weights_func = WEIGHTS_FUNCTIONS_WITHOUT_AREA_WEIGHTING[weights_name] weights = weights_func(self, self.cube, **self.kwargs) # check weights are sensible with some allowance for rounding errors if np.logical_or( weights < -(10 ** 8), weights > 1 + 10 ** 8 ).any(): # pragma: no cover raise InvalidWeightsError( "{} weights not normalised to range [0, 1]".format(weights_name) ) self._weights_no_area_weighting[weights_name] = weights except KeyError: raise InvalidWeightsError("Unknown weights: {}".format(weights_name)) return weights
[docs] def get_weights_array(self, weights_name): """ Get a single weights array If the weights have previously been calculated the precalculated result is returned from the cache. Otherwise the appropriate WeightFunc is called with any kwargs specified in the constructor. Parameters ---------- weights_name : str Region to get weights for Returns ------- ndarray[bool] Weights for the region specified by ``weights_name`` Raises ------ InvalidWeightsError If the cube has no data which matches the input weights or is invalid in any other way """ try: return self._weights[weights_name] except KeyError: weights_without_area = self.get_weights_array_without_area_weighting( weights_name ) area_weights = self._get_area_weights() weights = self._combine_area_weights_and_weights_without_area( area_weights=area_weights, weights_without_area=weights_without_area, ) if np.equal(np.sum(weights), 0): raise InvalidWeightsError( "All weights are zero for region: `{}`".format(weights_name) ) self._weights[weights_name] = weights return weights
@abstractmethod def _combine_area_weights_and_weights_without_area( self, area_weights, weights_without_area ): raise NotImplementedError def _get_area_weights(self): if self._area_weights is None: self._area_weights = self.cube.get_area_weights() return self._area_weights
[docs] def get_weights(self, weights_names): """ Get a number of weights Parameters ---------- weights_names: list of str List of weights to attempt to load/calculate. Returns ------- dict of str: :obj:`np.ndarray` Dictionary where keys are weights names and values are :obj:`np.ndarray` of bool. The result only contains valid weights. Any invalid weights are dropped. Notes ----- This method handles all exceptions and will only return weights which can actually be calculated. If no weights could be calculated, an empty dictionary will be returned. """ weights = {} for name in weights_names: try: weights_for_name = self.get_weights_array(name) weights[name] = weights_for_name except InvalidWeightsError as e: logger.warning("Failed to create '%s' weights: %s", name, str(e)) return weights
[docs]class AreaSurfaceFractionWeightCalculator(CubeWeightCalculator): r""" Calculates weights which are both area and surface fraction weighted .. math:: w(lat, lon) = a(lat, lon) \\times s(lat, lon) where :math:`w(lat, lon)` is the weight of the cell at given latitude and longitude, :math:`a` is area of the cell and :math:`s` is the surface fraction of the cell (e.g. fraction of ocean area for ocean based regions). """ def _combine_area_weights_and_weights_without_area( self, area_weights, weights_without_area ): return area_weights * weights_without_area
[docs]class AreaWeightCalculator(CubeWeightCalculator): r""" Calculates weights which are area weighted but surface fraction aware. This means that any cells which have a surface fraction of zero will receive zero weight, otherwise cells are purely area weighted. .. math:: w(lat, lon) = \\begin{cases} a(lat, lon), & s(lat, lon) > 0 \\\\ 0, & s(lat, lon) = 0 \\end{cases} where :math:`w(lat, lon)` is the weight of the cell at given latitude and longitude, :math:`a` is area of the cell and :math:`s` is the surface fraction of the cell (e.g. fraction of ocean area for ocean based regions). """ def _combine_area_weights_and_weights_without_area( self, area_weights, weights_without_area ): weights_without_area_binary = np.array( ~np.equal(weights_without_area, 0) ).astype(int) return area_weights * weights_without_area_binary