Stitching and Normalisation

In this notebook we look at how to stitch CMIP6 output files together to create continuous timeseries and how to determine how to normalise these files e.g. calculate anomalies against piControl runs.

import datetime as dt
import glob
import os.path
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymagicc
import seaborn as sns
import tqdm
from scmdata import run_append, ScmRun

from import load_mag_file, load_scmrun
from netcdf_scm.normalisation import get_normaliser
from netcdf_scm.stitching import (
%matplotlib inline

Command line interface help

The help can be accessed via our command line interface.

!netcdf-scm stitch -h
Usage: netcdf-scm stitch [OPTIONS] SRC DST STITCH_CONTACT

  Stitch netCDF-SCM ``.nc`` files together and write out in the specified

  ``SRC`` is searched recursively and netcdf-scm will attempt to stitch all
  the files found. Output is written in ``DST``.

  ``STITCH_CONTACT`` is written into the header of the output files.

  --regexp TEXT                   Regular expression to apply to file
                                  directory (only stitches matches). Be
                                  careful, if you use a very copmlex regexp
                                  directory sorting can be extremely slow (see
                                  e.g. discussion at
                                  [default: ^(?!.*(fx)).*$]

  --prefix TEXT                   Prefix to apply to output file names (not

  --out-format [mag-files|mag-files-average-year-start-year|mag-files-average-year-mid-year|mag-files-average-year-end-year|mag-files-point-start-year|mag-files-point-mid-year|mag-files-point-end-year|magicc-input-files|magicc-input-files-average-year-start-year|magicc-input-files-average-year-mid-year|magicc-input-files-average-year-end-year|magicc-input-files-point-start-year|magicc-input-files-point-mid-year|magicc-input-files-point-end-year|tuningstrucs-blend-model]
                                  Format to re-write crunched data into. The
                                  time operation conventions follow those in
                                  `Pymagicc <
                                  .  [default: mag-files]

  --drs [None|MarbleCMIP5|CMIP6Input4MIPs|CMIP6Output]
                                  Data reference syntax to use to decipher
                                  paths. This is required to ensure the output
                                  folders match the input data reference
                                  syntax.  [default: None]

  -f, --force / --do-not-force    Overwrite any existing files.  [default:

  --number-workers INTEGER        Number of worker (threads) to use when
                                  stitching.  [default: 4]

  --target-units-specs PATH       csv containing target units for stitched

  --normalise [31-yr-mean-after-branch-time|21-yr-running-mean|21-yr-running-mean-dedrift|30-yr-running-mean|30-yr-running-mean-dedrift]
                                  How to normalise the data relative to
                                  piControl (if not provided, no normalisation
                                  is performed).

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


Stitching simply refers to joining a child scenario with its parent. For example, an ssp with its corresponding historical run.

!netcdf-scm stitch \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output" \
    "../../../output-examples/stitched-files" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "CMIP6Output" \
    --regexp ".*EC-Earth3-Veg.*ssp585.*r1i1p1f1.*hfds.*"
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,196 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.0rc5+9.gf0c1d5a.dirty
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,196 INFO:netcdf_scm:stitch-contact: notebook example <email address>
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,196 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,196 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/stitched-files
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,196 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*EC-Earth3-Veg.*ssp585.*r1i1p1f1.*hfds.*
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:out-format: mag-files
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: CMIP6Output
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:number-workers: 4
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:target-units-specs: None
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:normalise: None
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,197 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 337it [00:00, 19754.04it/s]
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,221 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,221 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
23524 2020-10-08 13:09:03,221 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:08<00:00, 8.66s/it]

We can then load the resulting files.

written_files = [
    for f in Path("../../../output-examples/stitched-files/CMIP6").rglob(

As we can see below, the output file is the result of joining the scenario and historical file (i.e. we have data pre-2015, which is when the scenario started).

stitched = load_mag_file(str(written_files[0]), drs="CMIP6Output")
time 2012-01-15 12:00:00 2012-02-14 12:00:00 2012-03-15 12:00:00 2012-04-15 00:00:00 2012-05-15 12:00:00 2012-06-15 00:00:00 2012-07-15 12:00:00 2012-08-15 12:00:00 2012-09-15 00:00:00 2012-10-15 12:00:00 ... 2017-03-15 12:00:00 2017-04-15 00:00:00 2017-05-15 12:00:00 2017-06-15 00:00:00 2017-07-15 12:00:00 2017-08-15 12:00:00 2017-09-15 00:00:00 2017-10-15 12:00:00 2017-11-15 00:00:00 2017-12-15 12:00:00
activity_id climate_model member_id mip_era model region scenario unit variable
ScenarioMIP EC-Earth3-Veg r1i1p1f1 CMIP6 unspecified World ssp585 W m^-2 hfds 6.09994 2.72503 -0.248865 -9.44095 -18.7506 -22.8179 -22.7796 -12.2644 1.86888 12.4186 ... -2.99801 -8.95005 -19.2735 -23.6987 -20.5724 -10.7912 0.277462 9.32262 12.4736 4.49684
World|El Nino N3.4 ssp585 W m^-2 hfds 42.06670 60.51390 64.278200 71.26870 47.5103 41.5238 31.4823 58.7500 68.34040 59.2635 ... 12.78220 23.66410 21.0705 16.0603 24.3034 55.1825 69.165500 72.93310 68.8009 48.85080
World|North Atlantic Ocean ssp585 W m^-2 hfds -131.94000 -72.55420 -26.789700 5.30091 70.4493 90.9213 85.4514 62.1627 13.67660 -34.1867 ... -27.64220 19.14390 80.5870 87.5091 83.8828 55.5308 23.421100 -49.07170 -105.0520 -126.40200
World|Northern Hemisphere ssp585 W m^-2 hfds -104.36000 -71.78500 -16.934200 24.85200 64.1233 79.7790 73.3478 53.5719 15.74550 -35.0989 ... -25.98130 25.94270 67.3027 78.7684 73.2868 56.7929 14.830600 -35.79080 -85.7740 -115.50600
World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean ssp585 W m^-2 hfds -104.36000 -71.78500 -16.934200 24.85200 64.1233 79.7790 73.3478 53.5719 15.74550 -35.0989 ... -25.98130 25.94270 67.3027 78.7684 73.2868 56.7929 14.830600 -35.79080 -85.7740 -115.50600
World|Ocean ssp585 W m^-2 hfds 6.09994 2.72503 -0.248865 -9.44095 -18.7506 -22.8179 -22.7796 -12.2644 1.86888 12.4186 ... -2.99801 -8.95005 -19.2735 -23.6987 -20.5724 -10.7912 0.277462 9.32262 12.4736 4.49684
World|Southern Hemisphere ssp585 W m^-2 hfds 93.36680 61.59030 12.933100 -36.53350 -84.2235 -103.8730 -98.7233 -64.2772 -9.09406 49.9590 ... 15.15950 -36.51640 -87.6713 -104.6510 -94.7240 -64.1846 -11.220000 44.96360 90.0923 99.30250
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean ssp585 W m^-2 hfds 93.36680 61.59030 12.933100 -36.53350 -84.2235 -103.8730 -98.7233 -64.2772 -9.09406 49.9590 ... 15.15950 -36.51640 -87.6713 -104.6510 -94.7240 -64.1846 -11.220000 44.96360 90.0923 99.30250

8 rows × 72 columns

ax = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)).add_subplot(111)
stitched.lineplot(hue="region", ax=ax)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='time', ylabel='W m^-2'>

The files are also written with extensive metadata, which we can access via the MAGICCData instance’s .metadata attribute. The ‘child’ metadata is the metadata of the ‘child’ simulation (in this case ‘ssp585’) while the parent data is the data from the simulation the ‘child’ branched off (in this case ‘historical’).

{'timeseriestype': 'MONTHLY',
 'date': '2020-10-08 13:09:11',
 'contact': 'notebook example <email address>',
 '(child) CDI': 'Climate Data Interface version 1.8.2 (',
 '(child) CDO': 'Climate Data Operators version 1.8.2 (',
 '(child) Conventions': 'CF-1.7',
 '(child) area_world (m**2)': '510045092655104.0',
 '(child) area_world_el_nino_n3.4 (m**2)': '6657359020032.0',
 '(child) area_world_north_atlantic_ocean (m**2)': '55474658279424.0',
 '(child) area_world_northern_hemisphere (m**2)': '225108691435520.0',
 '(child) area_world_northern_hemisphere_ocean (m**2)': '225108691435520.0',
 '(child) area_world_ocean (m**2)': '510045092655104.0',
 '(child) area_world_southern_hemisphere (m**2)': '284936401219584.0',
 '(child) area_world_southern_hemisphere_ocean (m**2)': '284936401219584.0',
 '(child) branch_method': 'standard',
 '(child) branch_time_in_child': '60265.0',
 '(child) branch_time_in_parent': '60265.0',
 '(child) calendar': 'proleptic_gregorian',
 '(child) cmor_version': '3.4.0',
 '(child) comment': "This is the net flux of heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface (excluding any 'flux adjustment') .",
 '(child) contact': '',
 '(child) crunch_contact': 'cmip6output crunching regression test',
 '(child) crunch_netcdf_scm_version': '2.0.0rc2+96.gbb78b86.dirty (more info at',
 '(child) crunch_netcdf_scm_weight_kwargs': '{"regions": ["World", "World|Northern Hemisphere", "World|Southern Hemisphere", "World|Ocean", "World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean", "World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean", "World|North Atlantic Ocean", "World|El Nino N3.4"], "cell_weights": null}',
 '(child) crunch_source_files': "Files: ['/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190629/', '/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190629/', '/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190629/']; areacello: ['/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/Ofx/areacello/gn/v20190629/']",
 '(child) data_specs_version': '01.00.30',
 '(child) experiment': 'update of RCP8.5 based on SSP5',
 '(child) experiment_id': 'ssp585',
 '(child) external_variables': 'areacello',
 '(child) forcing_index': '1',
 '(child) frequency': 'mon',
 '(child) further_info_url': '',
 '(child) grid': 'T255L91-ORCA1L75',
 '(child) grid_label': 'gn',
 '(child) initialization_index': '1',
 '(child) institution': 'AEMET, Spain; BSC, Spain; CNR-ISAC, Italy; DMI, Denmark; ENEA, Italy; FMI, Finland; Geomar, Germany; ICHEC, Ireland; ICTP, Italy; IDL, Portugal; IMAU, The Netherlands; IPMA, Portugal; KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany; KNMI, The Netherlands; Lund University, Sweden; Met Eireann, Ireland; NLeSC, The Netherlands; NTNU, Norway; Oxford University, UK; surfSARA, The Netherlands; SMHI, Sweden; Stockholm University, Sweden; Unite ASTR, Belgium; University College Dublin, Ireland; University of Bergen, Norway; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Helsinki, Finland; University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Uppsala University, Sweden; Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Mailing address: EC-Earth consortium, Rossby Center, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute/SMHI, SE-601 76 Norrkoping, Sweden',
 '(child) institution_id': 'EC-Earth-Consortium',
 '(child) license': 'CMIP6 model data produced by EC-Earth-Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.',
 '(child) netcdf-scm crunched file': 'CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190629/',
 '(child) nominal_resolution': '100 km',
 '(child) original_name': 'hfds',
 '(child) parent_activity_id': 'CMIP',
 '(child) parent_experiment_id': 'historical',
 '(child) parent_mip_era': 'CMIP6',
 '(child) parent_source_id': 'EC-Earth3-Veg',
 '(child) parent_time_units': 'days since 1850-01-01',
 '(child) parent_variant_label': 'r1i1p1f1',
 '(child) physics_index': '1',
 '(child) product': 'model-output',
 '(child) realization_index': '1',
 '(child) realm': 'ocean',
 '(child) source': 'EC-Earth3-Veg (2019):',
 'aerosol': 'none',
 'atmos': 'IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa)',
 'atmosChem': 'none',
 'land': 'HTESSEL (land surface scheme built in IFS) and LPJ-GUESS v4',
 'landIce': 'none',
 'ocean': 'NEMO3.6 (ORCA1 tripolar primarily 1 degree with meridional refinement down to 1/3 degree in the tropics; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m)',
 'ocnBgchem': 'none',
 'seaIce': 'LIM3',
 '(child) source_id': 'EC-Earth3-Veg',
 '(child) source_type': 'AOGCM',
 '(child) sub_experiment': 'none',
 '(child) sub_experiment_id': 'none',
 '(child) table_id': 'Omon',
 '(child) table_info': 'Creation Date:(09 May 2019) MD5:cde930676e68ac6780d5e4c62d3898f6',
 '(child) title': 'EC-Earth3-Veg output prepared for CMIP6',
 '(child) variable_id': 'hfds',
 '(child) variant_label': 'r1i1p1f1',
 '(parent) CDI': 'Climate Data Interface version 1.8.2 (',
 '(parent) CDO': 'Climate Data Operators version 1.8.2 (',
 '(parent) Conventions': 'CF-1.7',
 '(parent) area_world (m**2)': '510045092655104.0',
 '(parent) area_world_el_nino_n3.4 (m**2)': '6657359020032.0',
 '(parent) area_world_north_atlantic_ocean (m**2)': '55474658279424.0',
 '(parent) area_world_northern_hemisphere (m**2)': '225108691435520.0',
 '(parent) area_world_northern_hemisphere_ocean (m**2)': '225108691435520.0',
 '(parent) area_world_ocean (m**2)': '510045092655104.0',
 '(parent) area_world_southern_hemisphere (m**2)': '284936401219584.0',
 '(parent) area_world_southern_hemisphere_ocean (m**2)': '284936401219584.0',
 '(parent) branch_method': 'standard',
 '(parent) branch_time_in_child': '0.0',
 '(parent) branch_time_in_parent': '65744.0',
 '(parent) calendar': 'gregorian',
 '(parent) cmor_version': '3.4.0',
 '(parent) comment': "This is the net flux of heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface (excluding any 'flux adjustment') .",
 '(parent) contact': '',
 '(parent) crunch_contact': 'cmip6output crunching regression test',
 '(parent) crunch_netcdf_scm_version': '2.0.0rc2+96.gbb78b86.dirty (more info at',
 '(parent) crunch_netcdf_scm_weight_kwargs': '{"regions": ["World", "World|Northern Hemisphere", "World|Southern Hemisphere", "World|Ocean", "World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean", "World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean", "World|North Atlantic Ocean", "World|El Nino N3.4"], "cell_weights": null}',
 '(parent) crunch_source_files': "Files: ['/CMIP6/CMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/historical/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190605/', '/CMIP6/CMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/historical/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190605/', '/CMIP6/CMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/historical/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190605/']; areacello: ['/CMIP6/CMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/historical/r1i1p1f1/Ofx/areacello/gn/v20190605/']",
 '(parent) data_specs_version': '01.00.30',
 '(parent) experiment': 'all-forcing simulation of the recent past',
 '(parent) experiment_id': 'historical',
 '(parent) external_variables': 'areacello',
 '(parent) forcing_index': '1',
 '(parent) frequency': 'mon',
 '(parent) further_info_url': '',
 '(parent) grid': 'T255L91-ORCA1L75',
 '(parent) grid_label': 'gn',
 '(parent) initialization_index': '1',
 '(parent) institution': 'AEMET, Spain; BSC, Spain; CNR-ISAC, Italy; DMI, Denmark; ENEA, Italy; FMI, Finland; Geomar, Germany; ICHEC, Ireland; ICTP, Italy; IDL, Portugal; IMAU, The Netherlands; IPMA, Portugal; KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany; KNMI, The Netherlands; Lund University, Sweden; Met Eireann, Ireland; NLeSC, The Netherlands; NTNU, Norway; Oxford University, UK; surfSARA, The Netherlands; SMHI, Sweden; Stockholm University, Sweden; Unite ASTR, Belgium; University College Dublin, Ireland; University of Bergen, Norway; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Helsinki, Finland; University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Uppsala University, Sweden; Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Mailing address: EC-Earth consortium, Rossby Center, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute/SMHI, SE-601 76 Norrkoping, Sweden',
 '(parent) institution_id': 'EC-Earth-Consortium',
 '(parent) license': 'CMIP6 model data produced by EC-Earth-Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.',
 '(parent) netcdf-scm crunched file': 'CMIP6/CMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3-Veg/historical/r1i1p1f1/Omon/hfds/gn/v20190605/',
 '(parent) nominal_resolution': '100 km',
 '(parent) original_name': 'hfds',
 '(parent) parent_activity_id': 'CMIP',
 '(parent) parent_experiment_id': 'piControl',
 '(parent) parent_mip_era': 'CMIP6',
 '(parent) parent_source_id': 'EC-Earth3-Veg',
 '(parent) parent_time_units': 'days since 1850-01-01',
 '(parent) parent_variant_label': 'r1i1p1f1',
 '(parent) physics_index': '1',
 '(parent) product': 'model-output',
 '(parent) realization_index': '1',
 '(parent) realm': 'ocean',
 '(parent) source': 'EC-Earth3-Veg (2019):',
 '(parent) source_id': 'EC-Earth3-Veg',
 '(parent) source_type': 'AOGCM',
 '(parent) sub_experiment': 'none',
 '(parent) sub_experiment_id': 'none',
 '(parent) table_id': 'Omon',
 '(parent) table_info': 'Creation Date:(09 May 2019) MD5:cde930676e68ac6780d5e4c62d3898f6',
 '(parent) title': 'EC-Earth3-Veg output prepared for CMIP6',
 '(parent) variable_id': 'hfds',
 '(parent) variant_label': 'r1i1p1f1',
 'header': 'Source data crunched with: netCDF-SCM v2.0.0rc2+96.gbb78b86.dirty (more info at\nFile written with: pymagicc v2.0.0rc6 (more info at'}

Stitching and normalising

On top of stitching, we might also normalise. This means we find the piControl run, and then normalise our output data against the piControl somehow. The available methods shown in the help of --normalise option of netcdf-scm stitch.

!netcdf-scm stitch --help | grep -2 normalise

  --normalise [31-yr-mean-after-branch-time|21-yr-running-mean|21-yr-running-mean-dedrift|30-yr-running-mean|30-yr-running-mean-dedrift]
                                  How to normalise the data relative to
                                  piControl (if not provided, no normalisation
                                  is performed).

We can run the stitching for these five different options as shown below.

!netcdf-scm stitch \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5" \
    "../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-31-yr-mean-after-branch-time" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "MarbleCMIP5" \
    --regexp ".*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*" \
    --normalise "31-yr-mean-after-branch-time"

!netcdf-scm stitch \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5" \
    "../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-21-yr-running-mean" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "MarbleCMIP5" \
    --regexp ".*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*" \
    --normalise "21-yr-running-mean"

!netcdf-scm stitch \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5" \
    "../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-21-yr-running-mean-dedrift" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "MarbleCMIP5" \
    --regexp ".*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*" \
    --normalise "21-yr-running-mean-dedrift"

!netcdf-scm stitch \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5" \
    "../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-30-yr-running-mean" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "MarbleCMIP5" \
    --regexp ".*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*" \
    --normalise "30-yr-running-mean"

!netcdf-scm stitch \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5" \
    "../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-30-yr-running-mean-dedrift" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "MarbleCMIP5" \
    --regexp ".*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*" \
    --normalise "30-yr-running-mean-dedrift"
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,549 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.0rc5+9.gf0c1d5a.dirty
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:stitch-contact: notebook example <email address>
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-31-yr-mean-after-branch-time
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:out-format: mag-files
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: MarbleCMIP5
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:number-workers: 4
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:target-units-specs: None
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,550 INFO:netcdf_scm:normalise: 31-yr-mean-after-branch-time
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,551 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 50it [00:00, 16016.13it/s]
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,561 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,561 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
23553 2020-10-08 13:09:19,561 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:23<00:00, 23.6s/it]
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,908 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.0rc5+9.gf0c1d5a.dirty
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,908 INFO:netcdf_scm:stitch-contact: notebook example <email address>
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-21-yr-running-mean
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:out-format: mag-files
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: MarbleCMIP5
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:number-workers: 4
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:target-units-specs: None
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:normalise: 21-yr-running-mean
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,909 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 50it [00:00, 18754.71it/s]
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,918 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,918 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
23572 2020-10-08 13:09:46,919 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:21<00:00, 21.4s/it]
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,480 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.0rc5+9.gf0c1d5a.dirty
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:stitch-contact: notebook example <email address>
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-21-yr-running-mean-dedrift
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:out-format: mag-files
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: MarbleCMIP5
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:number-workers: 4
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:target-units-specs: None
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,481 INFO:netcdf_scm:normalise: 21-yr-running-mean-dedrift
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,483 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 50it [00:00, 15995.36it/s]
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,493 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,494 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
23595 2020-10-08 13:10:12,494 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:21<00:00, 21.1s/it]
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,711 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.0rc5+9.gf0c1d5a.dirty
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:stitch-contact: notebook example <email address>
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-30-yr-running-mean
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:out-format: mag-files
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: MarbleCMIP5
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:number-workers: 4
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:target-units-specs: None
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:normalise: 30-yr-running-mean
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,712 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 50it [00:00, 12474.88it/s]
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,723 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,723 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
23618 2020-10-08 13:10:37,723 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:20<00:00, 20.9s/it]
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,583 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.0rc5+9.gf0c1d5a.dirty
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:stitch-contact: notebook example <email address>
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/marble-cmip5
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-30-yr-running-mean-dedrift
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*rcp45.*tas.*NorESM1.*
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:out-format: mag-files
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: MarbleCMIP5
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:number-workers: 4
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:target-units-specs: None
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:normalise: 30-yr-running-mean-dedrift
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,584 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 50it [00:00, 10586.33it/s]
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,596 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,597 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
23640 2020-10-08 13:11:02,597 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:22<00:00, 22.8s/it]
written_files = {
    norm_id: [
        for f in Path(
    for norm_id in [
{'31-yr-mean-after-branch-time': [PosixPath('../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-31-yr-mean-after-branch-time/cmip5/rcp45/Amon/tas/NorESM1-M/r1i1p1/netcdf-scm_tas_Amon_NorESM1-M_rcp45_r1i1p1_185001-230012.MAG')],
 '21-yr-running-mean': [PosixPath('../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-21-yr-running-mean/cmip5/rcp45/Amon/tas/NorESM1-M/r1i1p1/netcdf-scm_tas_Amon_NorESM1-M_rcp45_r1i1p1_185001-230012.MAG')],
 '21-yr-running-mean-dedrift': [PosixPath('../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-21-yr-running-mean-dedrift/cmip5/rcp45/Amon/tas/NorESM1-M/r1i1p1/netcdf-scm_tas_Amon_NorESM1-M_rcp45_r1i1p1_185001-230012.MAG')],
 '30-yr-running-mean': [PosixPath('../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-30-yr-running-mean/cmip5/rcp45/Amon/tas/NorESM1-M/r1i1p1/netcdf-scm_tas_Amon_NorESM1-M_rcp45_r1i1p1_185001-230012.MAG')],
 '30-yr-running-mean-dedrift': [PosixPath('../../../output-examples/stitched-normalised-files-30-yr-running-mean-dedrift/cmip5/rcp45/Amon/tas/NorESM1-M/r1i1p1/netcdf-scm_tas_Amon_NorESM1-M_rcp45_r1i1p1_185001-230012.MAG')]}
stitched_normalised = []
for norm_id, files in written_files.items():
    assert len(files) == 1
    out = load_mag_file(str(files[0]), drs="MarbleCMIP5")
    out["normalisation_method"] = norm_id

stitched_normalised = run_append(stitched_normalised)
time 1850-01-15 12:00:00 1850-02-14 00:00:00 1850-03-15 12:00:00 1850-04-15 00:00:00 1850-05-15 12:00:00 1850-06-15 00:00:00 1850-07-15 12:00:00 1850-08-15 12:00:00 1850-09-15 00:00:00 1850-10-15 12:00:00 ... 2300-03-15 12:00:00 2300-04-15 00:00:00 2300-05-15 12:00:00 2300-06-15 00:00:00 2300-07-15 12:00:00 2300-08-15 12:00:00 2300-09-15 00:00:00 2300-10-15 12:00:00 2300-11-15 00:00:00 2300-12-15 12:00:00
activity_id climate_model member_id mip_era model normalisation_method region scenario unit variable
cmip5 NorESM1-M r1i1p1 CMIP5 unspecified 31-yr-mean-after-branch-time World rcp45 K tas -2.062360 -1.695470 -0.978669 -0.008818 0.897924 1.439600 1.790620 1.694420 1.167280 -0.055348 ... 1.685270 2.56390 3.288130 3.933980 4.288330 4.359420 3.731510 2.724840 1.695470 0.963889
World|El Nino N3.4 rcp45 K tas -0.318386 0.159077 0.342337 0.627578 0.579712 0.752038 0.357578 0.184590 0.001576 -0.059699 ... 2.039260 2.03610 2.417170 2.338170 2.026510 1.856940 1.662470 1.497680 1.594550 1.697900
World|Land rcp45 K tas -6.029940 -5.108860 -3.036910 -0.156864 2.715940 4.460910 5.842120 5.738900 3.796100 0.195049 ... 0.171098 3.09954 5.484050 7.538320 8.985430 9.140970 6.933180 3.690290 0.570492 -1.781070
World|North Atlantic Ocean rcp45 K tas -2.214140 -2.328330 -1.923620 -1.064490 -0.222693 0.938037 1.916490 2.497720 2.114200 1.212890 ... 0.478465 1.21837 2.083970 3.335990 4.360270 4.841550 4.521930 3.587200 2.283270 1.016070
World|Northern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas -6.668830 -5.648410 -3.318310 -0.332735 2.631710 4.956190 6.315250 6.042610 4.121100 0.767058 ... -0.325949 2.37494 5.149280 7.567050 8.982350 8.926500 7.224760 3.979710 0.752720 -1.960780
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas -11.948100 -9.233130 -4.682970 0.710767 5.586610 9.106190 11.225800 10.170100 6.387810 0.115274 ... -1.275390 3.80197 8.504080 12.514100 14.645900 13.938400 10.101500 3.733860 -1.919280 -6.459870
World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas -3.287520 -3.352410 -2.444260 -1.001090 0.739122 2.298140 3.170060 3.398960 2.669290 1.184520 ... 0.282165 1.46093 3.000550 4.398510 5.354870 5.716390 5.382190 4.137180 2.464120 0.920854
World|Ocean rcp45 K tas -0.443796 -0.302979 -0.139014 0.051576 0.156266 0.207061 0.137821 0.044482 0.094851 -0.157497 ... 2.302980 2.34539 2.392310 2.463590 2.372150 2.408790 2.425390 2.330990 2.154400 2.083690
World|Southern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas 2.544110 2.257480 1.360980 0.315099 -0.835867 -2.076990 -2.734010 -2.653770 -1.786550 -0.877754 ... 3.696490 2.75287 1.426980 0.300902 -0.405694 -0.207669 0.238259 1.469970 2.638210 3.888560
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas 6.191210 3.407930 0.362264 -1.948560 -3.212100 -5.131780 -5.275440 -3.411740 -1.555870 0.359788 ... 3.158160 1.64900 -0.752431 -2.736840 -2.703690 -0.765986 0.390364 3.600320 5.711970 7.880830
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas 1.693800 1.989250 1.593820 0.842858 -0.281861 -1.364790 -2.141490 -2.477050 -1.840330 -1.166280 ... 3.822000 3.01023 1.935100 1.009140 0.130072 -0.077500 0.202797 0.973291 1.921580 2.957780
21-yr-running-mean World rcp45 K tas -1.931070 -1.565260 -0.849543 0.119188 1.024810 1.565360 1.915270 1.817930 1.289660 0.065919 ... 1.707130 2.58493 3.308210 3.954280 4.307030 4.377380 3.748910 2.741310 1.710640 0.978943
World|El Nino N3.4 rcp45 K tas 0.163975 0.637227 0.816277 1.097160 1.044940 1.212920 0.814103 0.636689 0.449322 0.383693 ... 2.034240 2.02873 2.408020 2.327100 2.013200 1.841930 1.646540 1.480550 1.577600 1.681990
World|Land rcp45 K tas -5.911670 -4.991410 -2.920270 -0.041063 2.830910 4.575030 5.955400 5.851320 3.907690 0.305796 ... 0.264922 3.19179 5.575160 7.631330 9.074940 9.230560 7.021730 3.776190 0.653806 -1.697580
World|North Atlantic Ocean rcp45 K tas -2.128510 -2.243690 -1.839980 -0.981879 -0.141110 1.018590 1.996020 2.576200 2.191650 1.289310 ... 0.533910 1.27358 2.138330 3.389010 4.411630 4.890730 4.570110 3.635860 2.332830 1.066450
World|Northern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas -6.535340 -5.516080 -3.187130 -0.202743 2.760520 5.083800 6.441670 6.167820 4.245130 0.889894 ... -0.211431 2.48857 5.262070 7.680640 9.093080 9.036410 7.333770 4.087640 0.858971 -1.855330
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas -11.851800 -9.137550 -4.588040 0.805005 5.680160 9.199060 11.318000 10.261600 6.478610 0.205392 ... -1.110530 3.96565 8.667690 12.680600 14.806500 14.099100 10.260000 3.888650 -1.767730 -6.309850
World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas -3.130190 -3.196550 -2.289860 -0.848200 0.890501 2.448010 3.318420 3.545780 2.814600 1.328310 ... 0.364433 1.54251 3.080790 4.478220 5.433690 5.793810 5.459560 4.215090 2.541360 0.997769
World|Ocean rcp45 K tas -0.307189 -0.167565 -0.004795 0.184562 0.288017 0.337578 0.267103 0.172510 0.221644 -0.031938 ... 2.295480 2.33737 2.383420 2.454240 2.361970 2.397530 2.413780 2.319140 2.141780 2.070820
World|Southern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas 2.673210 2.385560 1.488050 0.441119 -0.710898 -1.953070 -2.611140 -2.531970 -1.665800 -0.758056 ... 3.625690 2.68130 1.354360 0.227924 -0.479020 -0.281655 0.164057 1.394980 2.562320 3.813210
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas 6.354950 3.570540 0.523754 -1.788230 -3.052930 -4.973770 -5.118590 -3.256070 -1.401370 0.513135 ... 3.105280 1.59374 -0.811037 -2.795520 -2.760910 -0.823107 0.334637 3.543950 5.654370 7.826960
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas 1.814830 2.109290 1.712870 0.960880 -0.164865 -1.248810 -2.026540 -2.363150 -1.727450 -1.054430 ... 3.747020 2.93486 1.859210 0.932825 0.052991 -0.155419 0.124287 0.893962 1.841420 2.877430
21-yr-running-mean-dedrift World rcp45 K tas 284.270000 284.636000 285.352000 286.320000 287.226000 287.766000 288.116000 288.019000 287.491000 286.267000 ... 287.908000 288.78600 289.509000 290.155000 290.508000 290.578000 289.950000 288.942000 287.912000 287.180000
World|El Nino N3.4 rcp45 K tas 298.401000 298.874000 299.053000 299.334000 299.282000 299.450000 299.051000 298.873000 298.686000 298.621000 ... 300.271000 300.26600 300.645000 300.564000 300.250000 300.079000 299.883000 299.717000 299.814000 299.919000
World|Land rcp45 K tas 274.357000 275.277000 277.348000 280.228000 283.100000 284.844000 286.224000 286.120000 284.176000 280.574000 ... 280.534000 283.46000 285.844000 287.900000 289.344000 289.499000 287.290000 284.045000 280.922000 278.571000
World|North Atlantic Ocean rcp45 K tas 289.390000 289.275000 289.678000 290.537000 291.377000 292.537000 293.514000 294.095000 293.710000 292.808000 ... 292.052000 292.79200 293.657000 294.907000 295.930000 296.409000 296.089000 295.154000 293.851000 292.585000
World|Northern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas 280.140000 281.159000 283.488000 286.473000 289.436000 291.759000 293.117000 292.843000 290.920000 287.565000 ... 286.464000 289.16400 291.937000 294.356000 295.768000 295.712000 294.009000 290.763000 287.534000 284.820000
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas 269.858000 272.572000 277.121000 282.514000 287.390000 290.908000 293.027000 291.971000 288.188000 281.915000 ... 280.599000 285.67500 290.377000 294.390000 296.516000 295.808000 291.969000 285.598000 279.942000 275.400000
World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas 286.726000 286.659000 287.566000 289.008000 290.747000 292.304000 293.174000 293.402000 292.671000 291.184000 ... 290.220000 291.39900 292.937000 294.334000 295.290000 295.650000 295.316000 294.071000 292.397000 290.854000
World|Ocean rcp45 K tas 288.314000 288.454000 288.616000 288.806000 288.909000 288.959000 288.888000 288.794000 288.843000 288.589000 ... 290.917000 290.95900 291.005000 291.075000 290.983000 291.019000 291.035000 290.940000 290.763000 290.692000
World|Southern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas 288.400000 288.112000 287.215000 286.168000 285.016000 283.774000 283.116000 283.195000 284.061000 284.969000 ... 289.353000 288.40800 287.081000 285.955000 285.248000 285.445000 285.891000 287.122000 288.289000 289.540000
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas 283.648000 280.864000 277.817000 275.505000 274.241000 272.320000 272.175000 274.037000 275.892000 277.807000 ... 280.399000 278.88700 276.482000 274.498000 274.533000 276.470000 277.628000 280.837000 282.948000 285.120000
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas 289.508000 289.802000 289.406000 288.654000 287.528000 286.444000 285.666000 285.330000 285.966000 286.639000 ... 291.440000 290.62800 289.552000 288.626000 287.746000 287.538000 287.817000 288.587000 289.534000 290.570000
30-yr-running-mean World rcp45 K tas -2.010980 -1.644360 -0.927840 0.041725 0.948181 1.489570 1.840310 1.743810 1.216380 -0.006525 ... 1.686030 2.56385 3.287740 3.933240 4.287000 4.358060 3.730470 2.723860 1.694550 0.963553
World|El Nino N3.4 rcp45 K tas -0.087664 0.388613 0.570688 0.854703 0.805610 0.976710 0.581024 0.406789 0.222549 0.160048 ... 2.035190 2.03392 2.416480 2.338550 2.027240 1.858510 1.664800 1.500090 1.597790 1.700950
World|Land rcp45 K tas -6.100130 -5.178670 -3.106340 -0.225901 2.647300 4.392660 5.774260 5.671440 3.729040 0.128376 ... 0.221289 3.14769 5.531800 7.585250 9.031240 9.186870 6.980380 3.737550 0.617850 -1.731550
World|North Atlantic Ocean rcp45 K tas -2.087140 -2.202020 -1.798000 -0.939580 -0.098493 1.061530 2.039270 2.619770 2.235540 1.333520 ... 0.516316 1.25643 2.122340 3.375000 4.399390 4.881090 4.561740 3.627250 2.324180 1.057040
World|Northern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas -6.563920 -5.544050 -3.214520 -0.229512 2.734360 5.058260 6.416750 6.143520 4.221440 0.866821 ... -0.248498 2.45146 5.225230 7.642810 9.057340 9.001270 7.299730 4.054430 0.827768 -1.884590
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas -11.899100 -9.184410 -4.634490 0.758991 5.634580 9.153900 11.273300 10.217300 6.434750 0.161958 ... -1.175700 3.89935 8.599970 12.609100 14.739300 14.031300 10.194800 3.826680 -1.826340 -6.363630
World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas -3.146780 -3.212430 -2.305030 -0.862642 0.876792 2.435030 3.306170 3.534280 2.803830 1.318280 ... 0.345368 1.52409 3.063730 4.461910 5.418080 5.779550 5.445430 4.200300 2.527710 0.984215
World|Ocean rcp45 K tas -0.342819 -0.202546 -0.039126 0.150902 0.255029 0.305261 0.235458 0.141547 0.191353 -0.061558 ... 2.283570 2.32567 2.372280 2.443410 2.351600 2.388150 2.404670 2.310330 2.133790 2.063010
World|Southern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas 2.541960 2.255330 1.358840 0.312962 -0.838001 -2.079120 -2.736140 -2.655890 -1.788670 -0.879872 ... 3.620560 2.67623 1.350250 0.223675 -0.483346 -0.285158 0.161203 1.393300 2.561330 3.811690
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas 5.874940 3.093330 0.049345 -2.259740 -3.521550 -5.439500 -5.581430 -3.715970 -1.858370 0.059028 ... 3.106130 1.59547 -0.804104 -2.789280 -2.756160 -0.817154 0.342362 3.553500 5.665190 7.833890
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas 1.764890 2.059960 1.664140 0.912775 -0.212345 -1.295670 -2.072770 -2.408740 -1.772420 -1.098770 ... 3.740490 2.92821 1.852530 0.926129 0.046549 -0.161125 0.118966 0.889658 1.837680 2.873940
30-yr-running-mean-dedrift World rcp45 K tas 284.270000 284.637000 285.353000 286.323000 287.229000 287.771000 288.121000 288.025000 287.497000 286.274000 ... 287.967000 288.84500 289.569000 290.214000 290.568000 290.639000 290.011000 289.005000 287.976000 287.245000
World|El Nino N3.4 rcp45 K tas 298.401000 298.877000 299.059000 299.343000 299.294000 299.465000 299.069000 298.895000 298.711000 298.648000 ... 300.524000 300.52200 300.905000 300.827000 300.516000 300.347000 300.153000 299.989000 300.086000 300.189000
World|Land rcp45 K tas 274.357000 275.278000 277.351000 280.231000 283.104000 284.850000 286.231000 286.129000 284.186000 280.586000 ... 280.678000 283.60500 285.989000 288.042000 289.488000 289.644000 287.438000 284.195000 281.075000 278.726000
World|North Atlantic Ocean rcp45 K tas 289.390000 289.275000 289.679000 290.537000 291.379000 292.539000 293.516000 294.097000 293.713000 292.811000 ... 291.993000 292.73300 293.599000 294.852000 295.876000 296.358000 296.039000 295.104000 293.801000 292.534000
World|Northern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas 280.140000 281.160000 283.489000 286.474000 289.438000 291.762000 293.121000 292.847000 290.925000 287.571000 ... 286.455000 289.15500 291.929000 294.347000 295.761000 295.705000 294.004000 290.758000 287.532000 284.819000
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas 269.858000 272.572000 277.122000 282.516000 287.391000 290.911000 293.030000 291.974000 288.191000 281.919000 ... 280.581000 285.65600 290.357000 294.366000 296.496000 295.788000 291.952000 285.583000 279.930000 275.393000
World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas 286.726000 286.660000 287.568000 289.010000 290.749000 292.308000 293.179000 293.407000 292.676000 291.191000 ... 290.218000 291.39700 292.936000 294.335000 295.291000 295.652000 295.318000 294.073000 292.400000 290.857000
World|Ocean rcp45 K tas 288.314000 288.454000 288.618000 288.808000 288.912000 288.962000 288.892000 288.798000 288.848000 288.595000 ... 290.940000 290.98300 291.029000 291.100000 291.008000 291.045000 291.062000 290.967000 290.791000 290.720000
World|Southern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas 288.400000 288.113000 287.217000 286.171000 285.020000 283.779000 283.122000 283.202000 284.069000 284.978000 ... 289.479000 288.53400 287.208000 286.082000 285.375000 285.573000 286.019000 287.251000 288.419000 289.670000
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land rcp45 K tas 283.648000 280.867000 277.823000 275.514000 274.252000 272.334000 272.192000 274.058000 275.915000 277.833000 ... 280.880000 279.36900 276.969000 274.984000 275.017000 276.956000 278.116000 281.327000 283.439000 285.607000
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas 289.508000 289.803000 289.407000 288.656000 287.531000 286.447000 285.670000 285.334000 285.971000 286.644000 ... 291.483000 290.67100 289.595000 288.669000 287.790000 287.582000 287.862000 288.633000 289.581000 290.617000

55 rows × 5412 columns

The normalisation using *dedrift only dedrifts the data so they have a different magnitude of values compared to the other normalisation methods.

ax = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)).add_subplot(111)
    hue="region", style="normalisation_method", ax=ax
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)).add_subplot(111)
stitched_normalised_subset = stitched_normalised.filter(
    normalisation_method="*dedrift", keep=False
    hue="region", style="normalisation_method", ax=ax

As we have monthly data, this doesn’t tell us much yet. We can take an annual mean before plotting to see a clearer picture.

ax = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)).add_subplot(111)
    hue="region", style="normalisation_method", ax=ax

If we only plot world, we get a better sense of the importance of the normalisation method. In this case it makes little difference.

ax = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)).add_subplot(111)
    hue="region", style="normalisation_method", ax=ax

With a bit of digging, we can get all the data used to make the above plot.

test_cmip5_crunch_output = os.path.join(
helper = load_mag_file(
    str(written_files["31-yr-mean-after-branch-time"][0]), drs="MarbleCMIP5"

def get_path(generation):
    fp = os.path.join(
        helper.metadata["({}) netcdf-scm crunched file".format(generation)],

    return glob.glob(fp)[0]

def load_generation(generation):
    return load_scmrun(get_path(generation))

child = load_generation("child")
parent = load_generation("parent")
normalisation = load_generation("normalisation")

time 0700-01-16 12:00:00 0700-02-15 00:00:00 0700-03-16 12:00:00 0700-04-16 00:00:00 0700-05-16 12:00:00 0700-06-16 00:00:00 0700-07-16 12:00:00 0700-08-16 12:00:00 0700-09-16 00:00:00 0700-10-16 12:00:00 ... 1200-03-16 12:00:00 1200-04-16 00:00:00 1200-05-16 12:00:00 1200-06-16 00:00:00 1200-07-16 12:00:00 1200-08-16 12:00:00 1200-09-16 00:00:00 1200-10-16 12:00:00 1200-11-16 00:00:00 1200-12-16 12:00:00
activity_id climate_model member_id mip_era model region scenario unit variable variable_standard_name
cmip5 NorESM1-M r1i1p1 CMIP5 unspecified World|Northern Hemisphere piControl K tas air_temperature 280.171925 281.224605 283.185317 286.255835 289.475801 291.907934 292.951130 292.815048 290.939914 287.588672 ... 282.980213 286.363447 289.222116 291.663029 292.930601 292.823846 290.665626 287.134079 283.637265 281.104759
World|Southern Hemisphere piControl K tas air_temperature 288.463687 288.230767 287.332330 286.383418 284.998884 283.815010 283.269780 283.302035 284.016765 285.182141 ... 287.626582 286.636466 285.385851 284.066420 283.487844 283.684141 284.153197 285.370605 286.527151 287.905411
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean piControl K tas air_temperature 289.557645 289.777091 289.490769 288.722556 287.646087 286.471247 285.760547 285.504426 286.045069 286.766076 ... 289.760052 288.992076 287.921771 286.819385 286.075362 285.941148 286.121312 286.931792 287.909190 288.983717
World|North Atlantic Ocean piControl K tas air_temperature 289.182025 289.093267 289.323014 290.406649 291.320640 292.620792 293.442007 293.952419 293.612826 292.629936 ... 289.903485 290.707233 291.399045 292.689253 293.735477 294.170233 293.738846 292.723627 291.517845 290.198402
World piControl K tas air_temperature 284.317806 284.727686 285.258824 286.319627 287.237342 287.861472 288.110455 288.058541 287.478340 286.385407 ... 285.303398 286.499957 287.303983 287.864725 288.209223 288.253993 287.409412 286.252342 285.082208 284.505085

5 rows × 6012 columns

We can then recover the branching time.

branching_time = get_branch_time(parent, parent_path=get_path("normalisation"))
datetime.datetime(700, 1, 1, 0, 0)

We can then shift our normalisation such that the branch times line up.

normalisation_shifted = normalisation.timeseries()
normalisation_shifted.columns =
    lambda x: dt.datetime(
        x.year - branching_time.year + parent["time"].min().year,
normalisation_shifted = normalisation_shifted.reset_index()
normalisation_shifted["scenario"] = "piControl-shifted"
normalisation_shifted = ScmRun(normalisation_shifted)
time 1850-01-16 12:00:00 1850-02-15 00:00:00 1850-03-16 12:00:00 1850-04-16 00:00:00 1850-05-16 12:00:00 1850-06-16 00:00:00 1850-07-16 12:00:00 1850-08-16 12:00:00 1850-09-16 00:00:00 1850-10-16 12:00:00 ... 2350-03-16 12:00:00 2350-04-16 00:00:00 2350-05-16 12:00:00 2350-06-16 00:00:00 2350-07-16 12:00:00 2350-08-16 12:00:00 2350-09-16 00:00:00 2350-10-16 12:00:00 2350-11-16 00:00:00 2350-12-16 12:00:00
activity_id climate_model member_id mip_era model region scenario unit variable variable_standard_name
cmip5 NorESM1-M r1i1p1 CMIP5 unspecified World|Northern Hemisphere piControl-shifted K tas air_temperature 280.171925 281.224605 283.185317 286.255835 289.475801 291.907934 292.951130 292.815048 290.939914 287.588672 ... 282.980213 286.363447 289.222116 291.663029 292.930601 292.823846 290.665626 287.134079 283.637265 281.104759
World|Southern Hemisphere piControl-shifted K tas air_temperature 288.463687 288.230767 287.332330 286.383418 284.998884 283.815010 283.269780 283.302035 284.016765 285.182141 ... 287.626582 286.636466 285.385851 284.066420 283.487844 283.684141 284.153197 285.370605 286.527151 287.905411
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean piControl-shifted K tas air_temperature 289.557645 289.777091 289.490769 288.722556 287.646087 286.471247 285.760547 285.504426 286.045069 286.766076 ... 289.760052 288.992076 287.921771 286.819385 286.075362 285.941148 286.121312 286.931792 287.909190 288.983717
World|North Atlantic Ocean piControl-shifted K tas air_temperature 289.182025 289.093267 289.323014 290.406649 291.320640 292.620792 293.442007 293.952419 293.612826 292.629936 ... 289.903485 290.707233 291.399045 292.689253 293.735477 294.170233 293.738846 292.723627 291.517845 290.198402
World piControl-shifted K tas air_temperature 284.317806 284.727686 285.258824 286.319627 287.237342 287.861472 288.110455 288.058541 287.478340 286.385407 ... 285.303398 286.499957 287.303983 287.864725 288.209223 288.253993 287.409412 286.252342 285.082208 284.505085

5 rows × 6012 columns

source_data = run_append([child, parent, normalisation, normalisation_shifted])
time 0700-01-16 12:00:00 0700-02-15 00:00:00 0700-03-16 12:00:00 0700-04-16 00:00:00 0700-05-16 12:00:00 0700-06-16 00:00:00 0700-07-16 12:00:00 0700-08-16 12:00:00 0700-09-16 00:00:00 0700-10-16 12:00:00 ... 2350-03-16 12:00:00 2350-04-16 00:00:00 2350-05-16 12:00:00 2350-06-16 00:00:00 2350-07-16 12:00:00 2350-08-16 12:00:00 2350-09-16 00:00:00 2350-10-16 12:00:00 2350-11-16 00:00:00 2350-12-16 12:00:00
activity_id climate_model member_id mip_era model region scenario unit variable variable_standard_name
cmip5 NorESM1-M r1i1p1 CMIP5 unspecified World|Northern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas air_temperature NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
World|Southern Hemisphere rcp45 K tas air_temperature NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean rcp45 K tas air_temperature NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
World|North Atlantic Ocean rcp45 K tas air_temperature NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
World rcp45 K tas air_temperature NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 12024 columns

The next cell makes a plot which shows how the 31 year mean after branching time method works.

region_to_plot = "World"
norm_method = "31-yr-mean-after-branch-time"
full_view_xlim = [600, 2350]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))

def get_plot_df(src_data):
    out = src_data.time_mean("AC").long_data()
    out["time"] = out["time"].apply(lambda x: x.year)

    return out

ax = fig.add_subplot(311)
sns_df = get_plot_df(
    source_data.filter(scenario="*shifted", keep=False).filter(
    data=sns_df, x="time", y="value", hue="scenario", style="region", ax=ax
    branching_time.year + 31,
    label="normalisation period in raw piControl",

ax = fig.add_subplot(312)
sns_df = get_plot_df(
    source_data.filter(scenario="piControl", keep=False).filter(
ax = sns.lineplot(
    data=sns_df, x="time", y="value", hue="scenario", style="region", ax=ax

tmp = stitched_normalised.filter(
    year=range(1700, 2351),
tmp.index = normalisation.filter(region=region_to_plot).timeseries().index

normaliser = get_normaliser(norm_method)
reference_values = normaliser.get_reference_values(,
ax.plot( x: x.year).values.squeeze(),
    label="normalisation reference values",

    parent["time"].min().year + 31,
    label="normalisation period in shifted piControl\n(same data just different time axis)",

ax = fig.add_subplot(313)
sns_df = get_plot_df(
        year=range(1700, 2351),
    data=sns_df, x="time", y="value", hue="scenario", style="region", ax=ax


In the top panel above, we can see how the historical and rcp45 simulations have been joined. We can also see the normalisation period that is used. In the middle panel we can see how these compare when the time axes are shifted as well as the values which are used to normalise the simulations. In the bottom panel, we can see the resulting stitched and normalised timeseries.

Next we produce a similar plot for the 21-year (or 30-year) running mean method.

region_to_plot = "World"
norm_method = "21-yr-running-mean"
# norm_method = "30-yr-running-mean"
full_view_xlim = [600, 2350]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))

def get_plot_df(src_data):
    out = src_data.time_mean("AC").long_data()
    out["time"] = out["time"].apply(lambda x: x.year)

    return out

ax = fig.add_subplot(311)
sns_df = get_plot_df(
    source_data.filter(scenario="*shifted", keep=False).filter(
    data=sns_df, x="time", y="value", hue="scenario", style="region", ax=ax
    branching_time.year + child["time"].max().year - parent["time"].min().year,
    label="normalisation period in raw piControl",

for i, (no, xlim) in enumerate(zip((323, 324), ([1000, 2300], [1845, 1880]))):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(no)
    sns_df = get_plot_df(
        source_data.filter(scenario="piControl", keep=False).filter(
            region=region_to_plot, year=range(xlim[0], xlim[1] + 1)
    ax = sns.lineplot(
        data=sns_df, x="time", y="value", hue="scenario", style="region", ax=ax

    tmp = stitched_normalised.filter(
        year=range(xlim[0], xlim[1] + 1),
    tmp.index = normalisation.filter(region=region_to_plot).timeseries().index

    normaliser = get_normaliser(norm_method)
    reference_values = get_plot_df(
        label="normalisation reference values",

        label="normalisation period in shifted piControl\n(same data just different time axis)",

    if i == 1:


ax = fig.add_subplot(313)
sns_df = get_plot_df(
        year=range(1700, 2351),
    data=sns_df, x="time", y="value", hue="scenario", style="region", ax=ax


Once again, in the top panel above, we can see how the historical and rcp45 simulations have been joined and the normalisation period that is used. In this case, we use a much longer slice of the piControl run because we need a 21-year running mean over the period corresponding to the scenario runs.

In the middle panels we can see how these compare when the time axes are shifted as well as the values which are used to normalise the simulations (this time with wiggles because it’s a 21-year running mean). The right-hand middle panel illustrates our edge handling. A 21-year running mean can only be taken if there are 21 years around the time point of interest. However, it is often the case that the piControl data starts in the same year as the experiment data. In such a case, to fill in the first 10 years (where a 21 year window is not available), we simply linearly extrapolate the running mean. It would be possible to make other choices, e.g. assuming a constant value or fitting some other curve. However, given how short the time period that must be filled is and how linear CMIP drifts are, other choices will make little difference.

In the bottom panel, we can see the resulting stitched and normalised timeseries.

Plotting function

As a last step, we demonstrate a function which will make plots like the above for a given file. This could be run on lots of files to examine how the normalisation works in batches.

def plot_normalisation(
    dashes=[(10, 5)],
    mag_data = load_mag_file(str(inpath), drs=drs)

    return plot_normalisation_scmdf(

def get_highest_valid_level_and_source_files(
    scmdata, netcdf_scm_crunched_root_dir
    source_files = {
        "normalisation": os.path.join(
            scmdata.metadata["(normalisation) netcdf-scm crunched file"],

    level = "child"
    for i in range(20):
        level_key = "({})".format(level)
            source_files[level] = os.path.join(
                    "{} netcdf-scm crunched file".format(level_key)
        except KeyError:

        highest_valid_level = level
        level = (
            step_up_family_tree(level_key).replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
        raise ValueError("level = {}, really?".format(level))

    return highest_valid_level, source_files

def get_shifted_normalisation(
    normalisation, branching_time, highest_level_start
    normalisation_shifted = normalisation.timeseries()

    normalisation_shifted.columns =
        lambda x: dt.datetime(
            x.year - branching_time.year + highest_level_start.year,
    normalisation_shifted = normalisation_shifted.reset_index()
    normalisation_shifted["scenario"] = "{}-shifted".format(
        normalisation.get_unique_meta("scenario", no_duplicates=True)
    normalisation_shifted = ScmRun(normalisation_shifted)

    return normalisation_shifted

def get_plot_df(src_data):
    out = src_data.time_mean("AC").long_data()
    out["time"] = out["time"].apply(lambda x: x.year)

    return out

def make_plot(
    sns_df = get_plot_df(
        source_data.filter(scenario="*shifted", keep=False).filter(
    axes[0] = sns.lineplot(
        legend=legend if not legend else "brief",
        label="branch point in raw piControl",
    if legend:

    axes[0].set_title("Raw data")

    sns_df = get_plot_df(
                "scenario", no_duplicates=True

    existing_handles, existing_labels = axes[1].get_legend_handles_labels()

    axes[1] = sns.lineplot(
        legend=legend if not legend else "brief",

    tmp = stitched_normalised.filter(region=region_to_plot,).timeseries()
    tmp.index = (

    normaliser = get_normaliser(
        stitched_normalised.metadata["normalisation method"]
    reference_values = normaliser.get_reference_values(,
    norm_label = "normalisation reference values"
    norm_handle = axes[1].plot( x: x.year).values.squeeze(),
    axes[1].set_title("Shifted normalisation data")

        label="branch point in shifted piControl\n(same data just different time axis)",
        source_scmdfs[highest_level]["year"].min() - 100,
        source_scmdfs["child"]["year"].max() + 200,

    if legend:
        handles = existing_handles + [norm_handle]
        labels = existing_labels + [norm_label]
        axes[1].legend(handles, labels, loc="right")

    sns_df = get_plot_df(stitched_normalised.filter(region=region_to_plot,))
    axes[2] = sns.lineplot(
        legend=legend if not legend else "brief",
    axes[2].set_title("Stiched and normalised data")

    return axes

def plot_normalisation_scmdf(
    dashes=[(10, 5)],
    scmdf = scmdf_in.filter(region_to_plot)
    assert len(axes) == 3, "Must pass in three axes to plot on"

    ) = get_highest_valid_level_and_source_files(
        scmdf, netcdf_scm_crunched_root_dir

    source_scmdfs = {
        k: load_scmrun(v) for k, v in tqdm.tqdm(source_files.items())

    highest_level_start = source_scmdfs[highest_valid_level]["time"].min()

    branching_time = get_branch_time(

    source_scmdfs["normalisation_shifted"] = get_shifted_normalisation(
        source_scmdfs["normalisation"], branching_time, highest_level_start,

    source_data = run_append([v for v in source_scmdfs.values()])

    return make_plot(
netcdf_scm_crunched_root_dir = os.path.join(
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(16, 18))
axes = axes.flatten()

cfgs = {
    "31-yr-mean-after-branch-time": ("tab:green", [(1, 1)]),
    "21-yr-running-mean": ("tab:orange", [(None, None)]),
    "30-yr-running-mean": ("tab:red", [(5, 3)]),
for i, (n, f) in enumerate(written_files.items()):
    if n not in cfgs:

    colour, dashes = cfgs[n]
        legend=True if i == 0 else False,

  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:17<00:00,  5.94s/it]
  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:18<00:00,  6.05s/it]
<ipython-input-24-57a3f71751a0>:189: UserWarning: Legend does not support [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x16094b610>] instances.
A proxy artist may be used instead.
  axes[1].legend(handles, labels, loc="right")
  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:17<00:00,  5.90s/it]
<ipython-input-24-57a3f71751a0>:189: UserWarning: Legend does not support [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x162bfc6a0>] instances.
A proxy artist may be used instead.
  axes[1].legend(handles, labels, loc="right")

Note that below the normalisation values are intended for drifting, hence are zero, a very different magnitude to the ~287K of the raw data. This is why the middle plot is not exactly illuminating.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(16, 18))
axes = axes.flatten()

cfgs = {
    "21-yr-running-mean-dedrift": ("tab:blue", [(None, None)]),
    "30-yr-running-mean-dedrift": ("tab:purple", [(5, 3)]),
for i, (n, f) in enumerate(written_files.items()):
    if n not in cfgs:

    colour, dashes = cfgs[n]
        legend=True if i == 0 else False,

  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:17<00:00,  5.93s/it]
<ipython-input-24-57a3f71751a0>:189: UserWarning: Legend does not support [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x16091b940>] instances.
A proxy artist may be used instead.
  axes[1].legend(handles, labels, loc="right")
  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:16<00:00,  5.66s/it]
<ipython-input-24-57a3f71751a0>:189: UserWarning: Legend does not support [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x162be9610>] instances.
A proxy artist may be used instead.
  axes[1].legend(handles, labels, loc="right")