
In this notebook we give a brief overview of wrangling with netCDF-SCM.

import glob
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymagicc
%matplotlib inline

Wrangling help

The wrangling help can be accessed via our command line interface.

!netcdf-scm wrangle -h
Usage: netcdf-scm wrangle [OPTIONS] SRC DST WRANGLE_CONTACT

  Wrangle netCDF-SCM ``.nc`` files into other formats and directory

  ``src`` is searched recursively and netcdf-scm will attempt to wrangle all
  the files found.

  ``wrangle_contact`` is written into the header of the output files.

  --regexp TEXT                   Regular expression to apply to file
                                  directory (only wrangles matches). Be
                                  careful, if you use a very copmlex regexp
                                  directory sorting can be extremely slow (see
                                  e.g. discussion at
                                  [default: ^(?!.*(fx)).*$]

  --prefix TEXT                   Prefix to apply to output file names (not

  --out-format [mag-files|mag-files-average-year-start-year|mag-files-average-year-mid-year|mag-files-average-year-end-year|mag-files-point-start-year|mag-files-point-mid-year|mag-files-point-end-year|magicc-input-files|magicc-input-files-average-year-start-year|magicc-input-files-average-year-mid-year|magicc-input-files-average-year-end-year|magicc-input-files-point-start-year|magicc-input-files-point-mid-year|magicc-input-files-point-end-year|tuningstrucs-blend-model]
                                  Format to re-write crunched data into. The
                                  time operation conventions follow those in
                                  `Pymagicc <https://pymagicc.readthedocs.io/e
                                  [default: mag-files]

  --drs [None|MarbleCMIP5|CMIP6Input4MIPs|CMIP6Output]
                                  Data reference syntax to use to decipher
                                  paths. This is required to ensure the output
                                  folders match the input data reference
                                  syntax.  [default: None]

  -f, --force / --do-not-force    Overwrite any existing files.  [default:

  --number-workers INTEGER        Number of worker (threads) to use when
                                  wrangling.  [default: 4]

  --target-units-specs PATH       csv containing target units for wrangled

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

MAG file wrangling

The most common format to wrangle to is the .MAG format. This is a custom MAGICC format (see https://pymagicc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/file_conventions.html#the-future). We can wrangle data which has already been crunched to this format as shown below.

!netcdf-scm wrangle \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Lmon/CMIP6/CMIP/NCAR" \
    "../../../output-examples/wrangled-files" "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "CMIP6Output" \
    --out-format "mag-files" \
    --regexp ".*cSoilFast.*"
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,227 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.2+15.g74db9d85.dirty
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:wrangle_contact: notebook example <email address>
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Lmon/CMIP6/CMIP/NCAR
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/wrangled-files
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*cSoilFast.*
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: CMIP6Output
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:out_format: mag-files
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,228 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,230 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 11it [00:00, 9394.69it/s]
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,238 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,239 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
87973 2021-03-18 13:05:52,239 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:04<00:00, 4.32s/it]

We can then load the .MAG files using Pymagicc.

written_files = [
    f for f in Path("../../../output-examples/wrangled-files").rglob("*.MAG")
wrangled = pymagicc.io.MAGICCData(str(written_files[0]))
time 1957-01-15 12:00:00 1957-02-14 00:00:00 1957-03-15 12:00:00
climate_model model region scenario todo unit variable
unspecified unspecified World unspecified SET kg m^-2 cSoilFast 0.085600 0.085547 0.085422
World|Northern Hemisphere unspecified SET kg m^-2 cSoilFast 0.097727 0.097910 0.098135
World|Southern Hemisphere unspecified SET kg m^-2 cSoilFast 0.060421 0.059879 0.059024
World|Land unspecified SET kg m^-2 cSoilFast 0.085600 0.085547 0.085422
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET kg m^-2 cSoilFast 0.097727 0.097910 0.098135
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET kg m^-2 cSoilFast 0.060421 0.059879 0.059024
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='time', ylabel='kg m^-2'>

Adjusting units

The units of the wrangled data are kgmsuper-2. This might not be super helpful. As such, netcdf-scm wrangle allows users to specify a csv which defines the target units to use for variables when wrangling.

The conversion csv should look like the below.

conv_csv = pd.DataFrame(
    [["cSoilFast", "t / m**2"], ["tos", "K"]], columns=["variable", "unit"]
conv_csv_path = "../../../output-examples/conversion-new-units.csv"
conv_csv.to_csv(conv_csv_path, index=False)
with open(conv_csv_path) as f:
    conv_csv_content = f.read()

cSoilFast,t / m**2

With such a csv, we can now crunch to our desired units.

!netcdf-scm wrangle \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Lmon/CMIP6/CMIP/NCAR" \
    "../../../output-examples/wrangled-files-new-units" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force --drs "CMIP6Output" \
    --out-format "mag-files" \
    --regexp ".*cSoilFast.*" \
    --target-units-specs "../../../output-examples/conversion-new-units.csv"
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,020 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.2+15.g74db9d85.dirty
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,020 INFO:netcdf_scm:wrangle_contact: notebook example <email address>
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,020 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Lmon/CMIP6/CMIP/NCAR
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,020 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/wrangled-files-new-units
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,020 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*cSoilFast.*
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,021 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,021 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: CMIP6Output
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,021 INFO:netcdf_scm:out_format: mag-files
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,021 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,022 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 11it [00:00, 9150.60it/s]
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,030 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,031 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
87988 2021-03-18 13:06:01,031 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:04<00:00, 4.28s/it]
written_files = [
    for f in Path("../../../output-examples/wrangled-files-new-units").rglob(
wrangled_new_units = pymagicc.io.MAGICCData(str(written_files[0]))
time 1957-01-15 12:00:00 1957-02-14 00:00:00 1957-03-15 12:00:00
climate_model model region scenario todo unit variable
unspecified unspecified World unspecified SET t / m^2 cSoilFast 0.000086 0.000086 0.000085
World|Northern Hemisphere unspecified SET t / m^2 cSoilFast 0.000098 0.000098 0.000098
World|Southern Hemisphere unspecified SET t / m^2 cSoilFast 0.000060 0.000060 0.000059
World|Land unspecified SET t / m^2 cSoilFast 0.000086 0.000086 0.000085
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET t / m^2 cSoilFast 0.000098 0.000098 0.000098
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET t / m^2 cSoilFast 0.000060 0.000060 0.000059
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='time', ylabel='t / m^2'>

Taking area sum

We can also set the units to include an area sum. For example, if we set our units to Gt / yr rather than Gt / m**2 / yr then the wrangler will automatically take an area sum of the data (weighted by the effective area used in the crunching) before returning the data.

conv_csv = pd.DataFrame(
    [["cSoilFast", "Gt"], ["tos", "K"]], columns=["variable", "unit"]
conv_csv_path = "../../../output-examples/conversion-area-sum-units.csv"
conv_csv.to_csv(conv_csv_path, index=False)
with open(conv_csv_path) as f:
    conv_csv_content = f.read()


!netcdf-scm wrangle \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Lmon/CMIP6/CMIP/NCAR" \
    "../../../output-examples/wrangled-files-area-sum-units" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "CMIP6Output" \
    --out-format "mag-files" \
    --regexp ".*cSoilFast.*" \
    --target-units-specs "../../../output-examples/conversion-area-sum-units.csv"
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,165 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.2+15.g74db9d85.dirty
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:wrangle_contact: notebook example <email address>
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Lmon/CMIP6/CMIP/NCAR
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/wrangled-files-area-sum-units
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: .*cSoilFast.*
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: CMIP6Output
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:out_format: mag-files
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,166 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,168 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 11it [00:00, 9617.96it/s]
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,176 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,177 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
88003 2021-03-18 13:06:10,177 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:04<00:00, 4.44s/it]
written_files = [
    for f in Path(
wrangled_area_sum_units = pymagicc.io.MAGICCData(str(written_files[0]))
time 1957-01-15 12:00:00 1957-02-14 00:00:00 1957-03-15 12:00:00
climate_model model region scenario todo unit variable
unspecified unspecified World unspecified SET Gt cSoilFast 12.79290 12.7849 12.76610
World|Land unspecified SET Gt cSoilFast 12.79290 12.7849 12.76610
World|Northern Hemisphere unspecified SET Gt cSoilFast 9.85760 9.8760 9.89873
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET Gt cSoilFast 9.85760 9.8760 9.89873
World|Southern Hemisphere unspecified SET Gt cSoilFast 2.93526 2.9089 2.86740
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET Gt cSoilFast 2.93526 2.9089 2.86740
solid_regions = [
    "World|Northern Hemisphere",
    "World|Southern Hemisphere",
ax = wrangled_area_sum_units.filter(region=solid_regions).lineplot(
    hue="region", linestyle="-"
wrangled_area_sum_units.filter(region=solid_regions, keep=False).lineplot(
    hue="region", linestyle="--", dashes=(5, 7.5), ax=ax
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='time', ylabel='Gt'>

As one last sanity check, we can make sure that the world total equals the regional total to within rounding errors.

        region=["World|Northern Hemisphere", "World|Southern Hemisphere"]

Time operations

The wrangling can also include a few basic time operations e.g. annual means or interpolation onto different grids. The different out-format codes follow those in Pymagicc (link to be updated once PR is merged). Here we show one example where we take the annual mean as part of the wrangling process.

!netcdf-scm wrangle \
    "../../../tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Amon/CMIP6/CMIP/IPSL/IPSL-CM6A-LR/piControl" \
    "../../../output-examples/wrangled-files-average-year" \
    "notebook example <email address>" \
    --force \
    --drs "CMIP6Output" \
    --out-format "mag-files-average-year-mid-year"
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:netcdf-scm: 2.0.2+15.g74db9d85.dirty
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:wrangle_contact: notebook example <email address>
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:source: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/tests/test-data/expected-crunching-output/cmip6output/Amon/CMIP6/CMIP/IPSL/IPSL-CM6A-LR/piControl
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:destination: /Users/znicholls/Documents/AGCEC/netCDF-SCM/netcdf-scm/output-examples/wrangled-files-average-year
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:regexp: ^(?!.*(fx)).*$
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:prefix: None
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:drs: CMIP6Output
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:out_format: mag-files-average-year-mid-year
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:force: True
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,120 INFO:netcdf_scm:Finding directories with files
Walking through directories and applying `check_func`: 6it [00:00, 9062.23it/s]
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,127 INFO:netcdf_scm:Found 1 directories with files
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,128 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Processing in parallel with 4 workers
88024 2021-03-18 13:06:19,128 INFO:netcdf_scm.cli_parallel:Forcing dask to use a single thread when reading
  0%|                                               | 0.00/1.00 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/Users/znicholls/miniconda3/envs/netcdf-scm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/coding/times.py:463: SerializationWarning: Unable to decode time axis into full numpy.datetime64 objects, continuing using cftime.datetime objects instead, reason: dates out of range
  dtype = _decode_cf_datetime_dtype(data, units, calendar, self.use_cftime)
/Users/znicholls/miniconda3/envs/netcdf-scm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/coding/times.py:463: SerializationWarning: Unable to decode time axis into full numpy.datetime64 objects, continuing using cftime.datetime objects instead, reason: dates out of range
  dtype = _decode_cf_datetime_dtype(data, units, calendar, self.use_cftime)
/Users/znicholls/miniconda3/envs/netcdf-scm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/core/_asarray.py:102: SerializationWarning: Unable to decode time axis into full numpy.datetime64 objects, continuing using cftime.datetime objects instead, reason: dates out of range
  return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
/Users/znicholls/miniconda3/envs/netcdf-scm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/core/_asarray.py:102: SerializationWarning: Unable to decode time axis into full numpy.datetime64 objects, continuing using cftime.datetime objects instead, reason: dates out of range
  return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:04<00:00, 4.82s/it]
written_files = [
    for f in Path(
wrangled_annual_mean = pymagicc.io.MAGICCData(str(written_files[0]))
time 2840-07-01 00:00:00 2841-07-01 00:00:00 2842-07-01 00:00:00 2843-07-01 00:00:00 2844-07-01 00:00:00 2845-07-01 00:00:00 2846-07-01 00:00:00 2847-07-01 00:00:00 2848-07-01 00:00:00 2849-07-01 00:00:00 2850-07-01 00:00:00 2851-07-01 00:00:00 2852-07-01 00:00:00 2853-07-01 00:00:00 2854-07-01 00:00:00 2855-07-01 00:00:00 2856-07-01 00:00:00 2857-07-01 00:00:00 2858-07-01 00:00:00 2859-07-01 00:00:00
climate_model model region scenario todo unit variable
unspecified unspecified World unspecified SET K tas 285.883 285.841 285.847 285.860 286.026 285.880 285.612 285.717 285.700 285.913 285.862 285.964 286.154 285.959 286.096 286.110 286.074 285.771 285.768 285.969
World|Northern Hemisphere unspecified SET K tas 286.566 286.482 286.411 286.538 286.717 286.539 286.240 286.387 286.297 286.521 286.558 286.596 286.700 286.628 286.699 286.866 286.802 286.469 286.387 286.682
World|Southern Hemisphere unspecified SET K tas 285.184 285.185 285.270 285.167 285.320 285.206 284.970 285.033 285.090 285.292 285.150 285.318 285.596 285.275 285.479 285.338 285.331 285.057 285.135 285.240
World|Land unspecified SET K tas 279.502 279.494 279.590 279.505 279.732 279.534 279.048 279.332 279.280 279.630 279.474 279.452 279.771 279.458 279.714 279.814 279.724 279.463 279.369 279.686
World|Ocean unspecified SET K tas 288.453 288.397 288.366 288.419 288.561 288.435 288.255 288.289 288.286 288.444 288.434 288.587 288.725 288.577 288.666 288.646 288.632 288.311 288.344 288.499
World|Northern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET K tas 281.049 281.014 281.052 281.100 281.308 281.099 280.672 280.947 280.782 281.140 281.171 280.932 281.135 281.040 281.087 281.490 281.301 281.107 280.946 281.283
World|Southern Hemisphere|Land unspecified SET K tas 276.230 276.279 276.497 276.131 276.400 276.223 275.613 275.917 276.103 276.438 275.885 276.322 276.885 276.113 276.811 276.270 276.389 275.986 276.034 276.309
World|Northern Hemisphere|Ocean unspecified SET K tas 290.029 289.914 289.774 289.950 290.112 289.952 289.734 289.801 289.759 289.899 289.939 290.151 290.192 290.134 290.221 290.239 290.254 289.833 289.801 290.070
World|Southern Hemisphere|Ocean unspecified SET K tas 287.236 287.225 287.279 287.237 287.363 287.264 287.113 287.121 287.149 287.320 287.273 287.379 287.592 287.374 287.465 287.416 287.379 287.135 287.220 287.286
World|North Atlantic Ocean unspecified SET K tas 291.030 291.114 290.932 290.894 291.015 290.987 290.787 290.591 290.833 290.852 290.752 290.677 291.057 291.026 291.205 291.117 291.371 291.050 290.847 291.153
World|El Nino N3.4 unspecified SET K tas 297.656 296.947 296.951 297.666 297.818 297.051 296.019 296.918 296.887 297.067 297.055 298.488 297.646 297.392 298.025 297.780 296.800 295.766 297.053 298.179
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='time', ylabel='K'>
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(221)
wrangled_annual_mean.filter(region=["World", "World|*Hemisphere"]).lineplot(
    hue="region", ax=ax

ax = fig.add_subplot(222, sharey=ax, sharex=ax)
    region=["World", "World|Land", "World|Ocean"]
).lineplot(hue="region", ax=ax)

ax = fig.add_subplot(223, sharey=ax, sharex=ax)
wrangled_annual_mean.filter(region=["World", "World|*Hemis*|*"]).lineplot(
    hue="region", ax=ax

ax = fig.add_subplot(224, sharey=ax, sharex=ax)
    region=["World", "World|*El*", "World|*Ocean*"]
).lineplot(hue="region", ax=ax)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='time', ylabel='K'>